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So, anyone see the market today?


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Mr hope and change better be paying fucking attention. As of a few seconds ago the dow is down 417 pts, at around 7890. real reassuring.


i just bought some more with my last paycheck, my roth IRA should be pretty damn nice looking in about 5 years :)

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Its so funny hes only been in office for a couple months and you expect miracles remeber it took 8 years for Bush to fuck it up


Was thinking the same thing. And they know it, too. If it wasn't this, it would be something else they'd find to bitch about.

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I say let it fail. Bring it all back to zero and start over. Fuck Corperations. Bunch of bullshit designed to keep the rich rich, and the people that allow them to be rich barely scraping out a living hoping for that "big promotion" that they will never recieve. Fuck wallstreet. Ain't nothing but a bunch of pencil pushing fucks that have zero accountability for any actions they take. I personally think they should be drawn and quarted in the middle of the fucking city.
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I say let it fail. Bring it all back to zero and start over. Fuck Corperations. Bunch of bullshit designed to keep the rich rich, and the people that allow them to be rich barely scraping out a living hoping for that "big promotion" that they will never recieve. Fuck wallstreet. Ain't nothing but a bunch of pencil pushing fucks that have zero accountability for any actions they take. I personally think they should be drawn and quarted in the middle of the fucking city.


Aw boo hoo people make money.


I like how this is Wall Street's fault, lol.


Try saying let our government fail and nationalize the banks....then you might have more merit.

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Was thinking the same thing. And they know it, too. If it wasn't this, it would be something else they'd find to bitch about.



He should not have lied during his campaign process...


Troops are not getting withdrawn, Iran and Korea are laughing at him, and forcing their own international policy, he is going to veto the clinton welfare refrom for all his liberal buddies during this bail out.


ITS ALL BAD, dont say the day im elected this and this and this will happen...NONE of it has, he is just another politcal scum bag.

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federal government = gridlock, but he had so little experience he probably didn't know that.

Same reason clinton couldnt get the healthcare reform he campaigned so much abut.

People are going to hopefully start realizing they just projected on him the reason they voted for him, or just keep praising god when he comes to their town, I dunno

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Anyone see his speech in Fort Myers today? Some elderly woman broke down crying and begged for Obama's help because her family was unemployed and without a house. :rolleyes:


Edit: Asked and she received.


Did you hear the Mexican college student who worked at McDonalds? I heard him while listening to the radio. As soon as he started talking, I thought to myself, "Is this guy fucking joking?" But no. He wasn't.


I believe his question was something along the lines of, 'I've been working at McDonald's for 4.5years now. Are you going to implement a law or plan that makes employers pay their loyal employees more or give them the benefits they deserve?' :rolleyes:


Fucking people always looking for a handout...

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