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Between shooting people who don't deserve to be shot, the beatings, the tazers, and quotas, I wonder why police in general have PR problems. We have become a police state little by little in the past 40 years. This problem will not be getting better until the public opens its eyes and does not allow the government to hold us hostage any longer.


REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio — If you are driving through Reynoldsburg in the near future, be sure to pay close attention to the rules of the road as police officers have been ordered to write more tickets, 10TV's Maureen Kocot reported on Friday.

10TV obtained a copy of an e-mail that was sent last week to Reynoldsburg police officers. The e-mail instructs officers who have only initiated "3 or 4 tickets" this month to "get to 18.1" by the end of March.


Resident Kent Buccilla, who has lived in Reynoldsburg for most of his life, said it seems like police officers are now trying to meet quotas.


"They're expecting quotas," Buccilla said. "They're telling officers to pull people over."


Reynoldsburg Police Chief David Suciu said that was not the case.


According to Suciu, the directive was not meant as a quota, but a performance standard to encourage officers to "pick up the pace," Kocot reported.


In January 2008, Reynoldsburg police officers averaged more than 17 tickets a piece. This past January that number plummeted to five. The downward trend continued in February.


In March 2008, officers in Reynoldsburg averaged 18 tickets a piece, and while this March's totals have yet to be released, defense attorneys said police could be taking chances.


J. Scott Weisman has defended criminals in Franklin County for 18 years. He said that when police officers are pressured to write a specific number of tickets, you play with legal fire.


"It's something a defense attorney is obviously going to exploit," Weman said.


"How could a defense attorney not look at that and say, 'This guy could just be filing something to be filing something.'"


Weisman said it seems like officers are now being given additional duties.


Every officer's primary duty is to serve and protect," he said. "What they're doing here is they're making their primary duty, basically, to generate and collect revenue."


Reynoldsburg police officers who fail to initiate 18 tickets by the end of March were told that they would receive 90-day evaluation letters, along with letters of counseling, Kocot reported.


The Fraternal Order of Police, the union representing police officers, said it was looking into the matter.


Watch 10TV News and refresh 10TV.com for additional information.

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Instead of writing MORE tickets to get funds, why not get rid of police officers to decrease spending. I guess there's no money in arresting real criminals like theives, rapists, killers, pimps, and drug dealers.


I'm all for having a sufficient police force, but how most are operated are incredibly inefficient. And the fact that all too frequently a good law abiding citizen is treated like a lowlife criminal.


Rick is right, we (the public) are accepting more and more of this "police state" style of law enforcement.

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Instead of writing MORE tickets to get funds, why not get rid of police officers to decrease spending. I guess there's no money in arresting real criminals like theives, rapists, killers, pimps, and drug dealers.


I'm all for having a sufficient police force, but how most are operated are incredibly inefficient. And the fact that all too frequently a good law abiding citizen is treated like a lowlife criminal.


Rick is right, we (the public) are accepting more and more of this "police state" style of law enforcement.


They are likely considering it. Reports are that Cbus is considering a proposal to upgrade their red light cameras to photo radar units. More are on the plan to be added to the freeways too.


If I were a freeway patrol cop, I'd most certainly not hype of the speed enforcement needs with my superiors.

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There is nothing "new" about cops being asked to write tickets. That's part of their job. Maybe instead of receiving bailout money to keep cops, towns just ticket those who are speeding? You know, make the people breaking the law pay instead of all taxpayers?


I'll argue that by cops writing tickets, they ARE protecting me and my family on the roads. We might as well get some use out of those pricey radar guns. 5 tickets per month is about 1 a week. That doesn't sound like the cops are working very hard on traffic enforcement to me. 18 is about 1 a day; sounds good to me.


Using speeding tickets as ammunition for the "rise up against the guvment" cry is pretty far fetched.

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I'll argue that by cops writing tickets, they ARE protecting me and my family on the roads


really depends on what tickets they write though. a ticket for no front plate isnt protecting your family. a ticket for speeding... kind of... speeding is a secondary cause of accidents IMO. an accident usually does not happen because of speed alone. its speed AND talking on your cell phone or speeding AND not looking when you change lanes etc etc.


tickets for running red lights, definitely. that is a primary cause of accidents.



i also agree with the other poster who said if they cant write 18 tickets a day they are doin it wrong. it appears that these cops are just lazy. unfortunately that means they will probably write 20 tickets a day for some stupid bullshit like no plate light or no front plate or tint tickets... and ignore people speeding up when the light turns yellow.

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Awesome, in a bad economy, let's put more burden on tax payers. If a city was proven not not to write stupid tickets all the time, I might consider moving there and paying higher property taxes. I guess if you do nothing wrong and your car is up to code, no worries right? Oh well that's not me. Gotta pay to play.
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Awesome, in a bad economy, let's put more burden on tax payers. If a city was proven not not to write stupid tickets all the time, I might consider moving there and paying higher property taxes. I guess if you do nothing wrong and your car is up to code, no worries right? Oh well that's not me. Gotta pay to play.


Take it to court and see if they show. Last Friday I got out of a ticket for not using my signal. Went to court with my wife since she was down there anyway. Majistrate waited 15 minutes past my time to see if the officer would show. No-show, case dismissed. Thank you officer for staying home or whatever you were doing. Saved me $120 and got me a morning coffee date with my wife :)


If municipalities can't afford what they have now, we'll see what it's like when they have to pay to have an officer in court.

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Take it to court and see if they show. Last Friday I got out of a ticket for not using my signal. Went to court with my wife since she was down there anyway. Majistrate waited 15 minutes past my time to see if the officer would show. No-show, case dismissed. Thank you officer for staying home or whatever you were doing.


If municipalities can't afford what they have now, we'll see what it's like when they have to pay to have an officer in court.


Rock on with your bad self! Nice move!

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Take it to court and see if they show. Last Friday I got out of a ticket for not using my signal. Went to court with my wife since she was down there anyway. Majistrate waited 15 minutes past my time to see if the officer would show. No-show, case dismissed. Thank you officer for staying home or whatever you were doing. Saved me $120 and got me a morning coffee date with my wife :)


If municipalities can't afford what they have now, we'll see what it's like when they have to pay to have an officer in court.


That how I got out of my last speeding ticket. well, kinda. The Judge had a hard-on for state highway patrolmen, but in the end I got no points and only court costs because the officer didnt show.

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Awesome, in a bad economy, let's put more burden on tax payers. If a city was proven not not to write stupid tickets all the time, I might consider moving there and paying higher property taxes. I guess if you do nothing wrong and your car is up to code, no worries right? Oh well that's not me. Gotta pay to play.


Uhh Bexley? I have never heard of anyone getting written up for something like no front plate, or tint in Bexley. And Bexley has super high property taxes!

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Sigh. Another case of "Doesn't apply to Wease because he doesn't speed more than 10 over the limit". :lol:


Follow that rule and your chances of being pulled over are decreased dramatically... :)


+1, a nickel over and set the cruise.

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