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What do you think of this cop?


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What a fuckin ass! I hope someone in the cops family dies and some holds him up and says "I can make you're night bad." STFU mother fucker, his loved one is on her death bed and some dick cop with a hard on want to be prick about it. fuck that!
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I can only go off of the first few minutes that I watched, I got pissed and couldn't watch it all. I got the cops back that guy was being a prick he told the cop to go find his insurance, fuck that. I bet had he been just a little calmer and taken a second to tell him what was going on it wouldn't have been as bad, or taken as long.
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i watched this about 10 times when i was at work tonight. Every time i saw the part where the fat lady and his wife just be like "ahhh hell naw, imma go see mom!" and walk into the hospital with Powell's gun pointed at them i laughed so hard hahahaha. I still think that epic. I just love how the woman knew that cop wasnt gonna shoot them. Perfect.
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Yeah... with the way she acted Im not surprised that shes stared down a barrel before. And why are they acting shocked about the officer pulling his gun. If 3 people jumped out of a truck I would have too. I think the way the wife acted is why the cop decided to do what he did.
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Yeah... with the way she acted Im not surprised that shes stared down a barrel before. And why are they acting shocked about the officer pulling his gun. If 3 people jumped out of a truck I would have too. I think the way the wife acted is why the cop decided to do what he did.



Bitch shoulda been barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen cooking and cleaning.

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To add again...


You would be shocked to hear some of the crap that people come up with as an excuse to why they did 'x' violation.


However in this case when nurses and such come out and claim this is a REAL situation.. THEN.. the officer should have just let them go for damn sure.


THIS is how it SHOULD have gone down.

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I would bet this stuff happens a lot and were just hearing about it because its some NFL dude. If it was anyone else it would have probably been swept under a rug.


Im actually get tired of of these "famous" people getting special treatment, its all BS.


BOO-HOO!!! Be honest you applauded this faggot cops action's...


When I see a cop killed in the line of duty it makes me think of things like this and it always brings a smile to my face...


FYI.. FTP = you banned

Edited by V8 Beast
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BOO-HOO!!! Be honest you applauded this faggot cops action's...


When I see a cop killed in the line of duty it makes me think of things like this and it always brings a smile to my face...


FYI.. FTP = you banned



WTH....holy harsh!



John, I think this story would have come out regardless of who the person was. Moats never once said "let me go, I'm in the NFL". That cop was an asshole. Heartless bastard! The part where the lady from the hospital comes out and tells him they need Moats inside to start reviving or whatever she said....and that motherfucker STILL kept him there, did what he did and then had the nerve to give him what to do next time talk..13 fucking minutes he kept that man there when his mother-in-law was dying....FUCK HIM! I don't know or care if it was a racial thing. The fact he had no concern whatsoever for the situation makes him inhumane. He needed to be relieved of duty with NO PAY..asshole(not you.....him)

Edited by V8 Beast
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To add again...


You would be shocked to hear some of the crap that people come up with as an excuse to why they did 'x' violation.


The fact he had no concern whatsoever for the situation makes him inhumane.


People say anything to get out of a Ticket. The Cop had to assess the situation, and determine who he had in front of him. Like I said before, had they pulled over when the Cop first turned his lights on, and explained the situation, the outcome would have been dramatically differrent.



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People say anything to get out of a Ticket. The Cop had to assess the situation, and determine who he had in front of him. Like I said before, had they pulled over when the Cop first turned his lights on, and explained the situation, the outcome would have been dramatically differrent.





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Basically, then were running from the Cop by not pulling over.


Do the Math, they made the first several "bad decisions".






I'm pretty sure them making the first "bad decision" would not have changed the outcome of what the "faggot cop" did, but then again that would also be speculation.


Could of, would of, should of ...

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BOO-HOO!!! Be honest you applauded this faggot cops action's...


When I see a cop killed in the line of duty it makes me think of things like this and it always brings a smile to my face...


FYI.. FTP = you banned



WTF douche ass statement.

Edited by V8 Beast
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To add again...


You would be shocked to hear some of the crap that people come up with as an excuse to why they did 'x' violation.


However in this case when nurses and such come out and claim this is a REAL situation.. THEN.. the officer should have just let them go for damn sure.


THIS is how it SHOULD have gone down.



So True

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had they pulled over when the Cop first turned his lights on, and explained the situation, the outcome would have been dramatically differrent.





Had my dad been 6" taller, i'd be 6'5" 220 right now...That we'll never know. I see where you're going, but when the wife and aunt got out of the car hysterical and Moats told him what was going on, he should have shown more compassion for human life. Who the fuck speeds to the ER with hazard lights on but someone in some form of an emergency. Common sense...wth!

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