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Got in a pretty bad accident today

6 Speed S4

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Okay so me and my buddies from school Preston and Mario were headed to pay the move in fees for our new house we are moving into tomorrow here in Phoenix. (This is my 3rd time moving since I got here)


We were on the 101 loop freeway headed north towards Union Hills at 11:45am. Whole freeway was full of cars moving steady at 70 mph. All of a sudden 1 mile before our exit everyone in the right lane is locking up their brakes and swerving off the road to avoid hitting each other. We were going 70mph when the car infront of us locks up the brakes and we had to swerve off the highway to the right to miss hitting 6 cars.


We ended up hitting a 40 foot light pole at 70, the back right of the truck clipped the pole, the brakes were locked up and we slid into a tree at 40mph and that brought us to a complete halt.


The windows on the passenger side were rolled down a little so those windows shattered on impact. I was in the back right, my head slammed into the seat in front of me, and the glass cut me up really bad. I crawled out through the window right afterwords.


Everyone was fine luckily, the truck saved our lives. The police showed up and I got taken to the hospital for cat scans. Everything is okay, Im just shook up and my head is a little sore. I have never been so lucky in my life, thought I'd share.


Heres pics:













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thanks everyone, glad to know cr is supporting. Everyone was slamming on their brakes because idiots decide they want to go over 3 lanes to get off the next exit. There are some really bad drivers out here compared to cbus. Hope to see some of you this June. I'll be driving the black S4 home for a month.
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Glad you're ok man. You down in Az for good or what? Would be glad to see you back in Ohio for sure, especially now you have an S.



I'll be done with school next April. I'll be in Pennsylvania for 4 months at Volkswagen program. After that I have a job lined up in Columbus so I'll be back for good.

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I'll be done with school next April. I'll be in Pennsylvania for 4 months at Volkswagen program. After that I have a job lined up in Columbus so I'll be back for good.


Good deal. C-Bus could always use some more S4 drivers.

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