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How I got scammed out of $2500 -- options??


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I would SERIOUSLY reconsider editing that information and sending it in a PM.


Public info or not, posting stuff like that up, could get have bad effects


It is all information they've posted about themselves on the internet. That makes it fair game. If one of the mods or other admins think it should be edited and PMed, feel free. But I don't see a need for it.

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How can you make them "not" want to accept your contract? Apparently that would work?


Maybe....ask them where you can install your two car lift at? Or, you were under the assumption that you could park your mothers mobile home in the back yard? Or is the house capable of being shelter for your 8 dogs and 13 cats? Become the worst potential tenant possible.

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Well. . . came to a resolution today. After leaving them approximately 5 voicemails over the weekend and them not returning my calls (voicemails did include mentioning media involvement as well as legal action) they called me today and said they would give me back 2,000 of my 2500. So I took it. I'm not going to battle them and waste more money. . . they told me to meet them at their house @ 2pm and they would have a check for me. So I go to their mansion in Canal Winchester and wouldn't you know it. . they taped a check to their front door. . . THEY WOULDN'T EVEN GIVE IT TO ME FACE TO FACE. LoL


Oh well. . . chalk this one up as a learning experience. . but atleast we got back the majority of the money.


Beware of people like this. . . I may still contact the media . . . but I'm just happy to have 2 grand back in my pocket.


Thanks for all the replies guys! Really helped me move forward on this!

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AT THE BOTTOM IN FINE PRINT OF THE RECEIPT IT READS "If you decide not to move forward with the lease option, this money paid is non-refundable."

They did not go over this fine print, and sadly my wife did not read it when she was asked to sign the receipt.





= Your Fucked. Now, go poop in their pool

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Dispute Resolution Program (Mediation) - 614-645-8576


Call the assholes and tell them you are planning on contacting a mediator and if they fail to show, you have the form ready for small claims court.


You could have all of your money back in less than a month. No judge in their right mind would let someone get away with that shit!

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i'd go after the rest of the money now, or still burn the house down--i fucking hate scammers more than anything in the world. next time you're at work, realize you're working to make back the $500 that those assholes are using to sip umbrella drinks with. that should be motivation enough to go after your money any way possible
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Little late to the party here, and congrats on the at least mostly complete resolution. My house ( I live on campus however, so my parents' for now ) is less than a mile west of there in Jefferson Woods. I know people on both sides of that house, within a few houses away, although I don't know these folks. The vet I take my dog to is across the road from that house.


I know my parents have really like the area, and have lived there for the last 10 or 11 years. If you're still looking for a home, I think there are a few for sale in my neighborhood just down pickerington road, called Jefferson Woods. NOT Jefferson Farms, which is across pickerington road.


Good luck!

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By all means. It's all fair game now ;) I realllllly wanted to do a doughnut in their yard as I pulled away. . knowing they were watching out the window. But I refrained.


I default to my previous link. I've used it and know it works. Just wear some long rubber gloves. Cheap mixers can be had at a garage sale or at New Uses stores, etc...toss it when you're done. Lasts for long time thus re-treatments are always available. :bangbang:

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By all means. It's all fair game now ;) I realllllly wanted to do a doughnut in their yard as I pulled away. . knowing they were watching out the window. But I refrained.


They fucked you out of $500. I understand you're happy you got 2000 of it back but they still bent you over in the end and took 500 with a smile on they're face and you did nothing. Dont accept this as a win. They only gave you that to shut you up and they didn't even give you the full amount back. Just goes to show they're low life pieces of shit that I wouldn't even think twice about fucking they're life over and curb stomping them. You should def. go farther into this b/c I flip out when loosing $20 let alone 500 to some fucking scammer. PM me with what You might have in mind. You got my number bud.

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I clean up after 3 dogs in my yard. Not little dogs. Needless to say, I can collect a large amount of varied dog shit in a short amount of time. I bag it all and then take it to the trash. It could, I don't know, get "lost" on the way to my trashcan up front. If you know what I mean...


However, anything done to them at this point is going to be blamed on you. Not good, especially if you are going to still pursue your $500 or at least drag their name thru the mud. If and when you decide for a little retaliation, feel free to pm.

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