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Turning out to be a horrible day.


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Well I get word that the insurance my family was going to start getting on may 1st, we are no longer entitled to because I will not be at work as an employee during this time. Mind you I just left a company where I was payed very well with full benefits to come back to this company because they needed me back to help get things done. So no insurance, and now I am being told that my compensation from workers comp will be far less than I would make being at work. I mean far less, not even close and thats just for the first 12 weeks. Then it drops down even less. So I am royally screwed at this point. Workers comp has not approved my claim so now the pharmacy can not fill my pain or blood thinning prescriptions until a few more days when they get around to approving it. It feels like I am being punished here. With this company, I rely on making 3/4 of my yearly salary during summer. I then float the rest of the year on that. Thus meaning I make a ton in overtime during then summer. Money I need to survive and cant live without. This is turning out to be a very shitty day. Now I have to worry about finding my family insurance which I can even afford cobra at this point not that its an option. So what now welfare? Lose my house?
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I am just confused on what a legal standing I have with anything.


I'm not a lawyer, but I can say that what happened warrants talking with one. Not only were you seriously injured on the job, but your future working ability, has since been greatly changed or potentially limited. Your income is in the balance and you have family to consider. The fact that you don' know your legal standing is exactly why you need to meet with a lawyer.


Most lawyers will meet initially for free to summarize if you have a case. I don't know anything about your job site or what happened and you only know what you see, have learned or are being told.


A good lawyer will have had many other cases like yours and know already what to look for and questions to ask.


Believe me, you won't regret it. I wish you all the best my friend. I can actually relate to the pain and intensity as when I was 24, I cracked two vertebrae and blew a disk in my back as result of an injury. Initially the pain was unlike anything imaginable and it wouldn't stop until I passed out. I do not wish that level of pain on anyone.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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did you drop that thing on your foot on purpose?



See a good lawyer. They will hear you out and tell you if you have a case (which I'm sure you do). Your foot is hamburger, there's NO reason why you should have to go without meds. And this isn't something that will go back to normal in a week or two. I'm sorry to say that, but it's the truth. The fact is that your life has been changed, and the insurance company and your work need to recognize this. They will jerk you around as much as they can in order to keep from paying. Someone needs to jerk their reins hard and keep them in line so that you get what you need.

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Definitely sounds like you should lawyer up, but from your previous posts it sounded like you were pretty well off, as if you could drop $30k in cash on a car at any time, so can't you use that for a few months to afford things until a lawsuit hopefully wraps up in your favor? I know that would suck, but at least you have it.
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Definitely sounds like you should lawyer up, but from your previous posts it sounded like you were pretty well off, as if you could drop $30k in cash on a car at any time, so can't you use that for a few months to afford things until a lawsuit hopefully wraps up in your favor? I know that would suck, but at least you have it.

I have a fear of being broke. I have been really close. I have the money to live on and I have been saving my money for years. If I have to spend all my savings I will be devistated. It would suck to live a comfortable life for years , not buying what you want always really trying to be responsible and then this comes along and puts me right back to where I started. The chances of a lawsuit ever coming to fluition and me winning, are slim to none. I will be fine, worse case scenario I sell all the toys but thats a ways down the road hopefully. Sure I have money in the bank but I try to act like it doesnt exist, like its not there. $30,000 wont last long when you consider theres 5 of us. It will definately help having it but it just sucks thinking of spending it in this manner. So I will check tomorrow to see what benefits are available to us. I dont see anything wrong with trying to get insurance for my kids through the government. I need to think of them right now and put things in place to make sure were as protected as possible. Sure its embarrassing thinking about asking for help. I could be off of work for a year if not more. The money in savings will no doubt need to be used for subsidising my bills. Its really a scary thought where one day your living a good life and the next your wondering if you might lose everything. Its really scarry.

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I have enough cash to get me by for a good while. Its just how would I be when its all said and done. Thats what has me scared. It doesnt seem fair that I could stand to be broke all because I showed up to do my job. I am already losing pay, time being healthy, time playing with mykids, being with my wife. I mean my wife had to wash me twice. Its embarrassing. My family will be more than willing to help me if things go south. I know I wont lose my house or anything. You know, what can you do.
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The chances of a lawsuit ever coming to fluition and me winning, are slim to none.



You seriously need to lawyer up. My wife was in a serious accident about 2 years ago. I am in a rough situation and would be even worse off if I had not contacted a lawyer. My only regret was I waited to long before I contacted one.


From personal experience at least talk to some one.

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I have enough cash to get me by for a good while. Its just how would I be when its all said and done. Thats what has me scared. It doesnt seem fair that I could stand to be broke all because I showed up to do my job. I am already losing pay, time being healthy, time playing with mykids, being with my wife. I mean my wife had to wash me twice. Its embarrassing. My family will be more than willing to help me if things go south. I know I wont lose my house or anything. You know, what can you do.


Contact a lawyer.





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Guest Removed

lawyer up. sew sew sew..hell you have almost lost a limb on the job..



and i though i was having a bad day after the fuck bag tow truck driver smashed the lid on my tool box. i was so ready to punch someone.

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and i though i was having a bad day after the fuck bag tow truck driver smashed the lid on my tool box. i was so ready to punch someone.




Awwww.... poooor baby.... get a fucking hammer, and smack it the fuck back into shape.


...And you call yourself a Do-It-All...





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