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The world today and BB guns??


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When i was growing up my friends and I used to walk the neighborhood with our BB guns and shoot shit. I am having an issue with birds flying into my HVAC exhausts on the side of my house. I covered one with a screen type thing. The other is at the top corner of my place...I'd need a tall ass ladder to get to it. Even then, it's so high, I dont think i'd want to climb up there to fix it. So if I get a BB/pellet gun can I just be walking around my yard picking off birds? What if a cop rolls by? Of course I wouldn't be picking birds off the power lines or shit in plain sight that pisses people off. I can't think of any other way. The house next to me that's foreclosed...these birds have taken over. They are flying in and out of every hole on the house. Super annoying.!!
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Be careful about it is all I can advise. If the BB gun is considered a "gun", you may not be allowed to discharge it in the city. That, and you don't want to end up like the College kid a few months ago who did pretty much the same thing and was then brought up on Felony Animal Abuse charges :(
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its still considered discharging a firearm in city limits.


Of course, bb guns are really quiet, and if you happen to be shooting from your bedroom, its possible that nobody would notice. Not that I've ever done that before...

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its still considered discharging a firearm in city limits.




hows that? especially when according to the law, it does not meet the definition of a "firearm"?


"Firearm” means any deadly weapon capable of expelling or propelling one or more projectiles by the action of an explosive or combustible propellant. “Firearm” includes an unloaded firearm, and any firearm that is inoperable but that can readily be rendered operable.


im fairly sure there is no specific ordinance in columbus forbidding you from shooting a pneumatic or spring loaded gun.


the law does state: When determining whether a firearm is capable of expelling or propelling one (1) or more projectiles by the action of an explosive or combustible propellant, the trier of fact may rely upon circumstantial evidence, including, but not limited to, the representations and actions of the individual exercising control over the firearm


so if you try to rob a bank with it, or try to pass it off as a real rifle and wave it around or some shit, you can be held liable as if it were a real gun.



honestly, the best thing to do would be to call the CPD and ask them if its legal to shoot a bb gun in your yard or not.

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hows that? especially when according to the law, it does not meet the definition of a "firearm"?


"Firearm” means any deadly weapon capable of expelling or propelling one or more projectiles by the action of an explosive or combustible propellant. “Firearm” includes an unloaded firearm, and any firearm that is inoperable but that can readily be rendered operable.


im fairly sure there is no specific ordinance in columbus forbidding you from shooting a pneumatic or spring loaded gun.


the law does state: When determining whether a firearm is capable of expelling or propelling one (1) or more projectiles by the action of an explosive or combustible propellant, the trier of fact may rely upon circumstantial evidence, including, but not limited to, the representations and actions of the individual exercising control over the firearm


so if you try to rob a bank with it, or try to pass it off as a real rifle and wave it around or some shit, you can be held liable as if it were a real gun.



honestly, the best thing to do would be to call the CPD and ask them if its legal to shoot a bb gun in your yard or not.


You are not allowed to discharge anything more than 1000FPS inside city limits. Walking around your property with a gun could possibly be a sticky situation,Some people are complete tards and will call the cops thinking your toting a real gun and you could possibly be charged with inducing panic. This is what I was told when I used my .22 to kill a possum in my condo's court.

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Sooooo, would my potato gun be considered a firearm? Seems to fit the criteria, but it's surely not near 1000fps.





Edited by GonneVille
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Quite a few years back i was surrounded by undercover and uniformed officers in renyoldsburg for plinking with my bb/pellet gun behing the house, which backed up to a creek. I about shat myself at the time, they said it was illegal to discharge even a bb gun within city limits. i told them i had a backstop (a big hill) and was plinking cans. they didnt do anything other than than tell me not to do it again.
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