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How much would it take?


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How much would it take for you to be able to justify living at "moms" again for a year and a half?


I.E. Cash savings over 18months.









Just trying to justify something without getting into specifics, and wondered what the board thought.

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It would have to be alot. But mostly b/c of the relationship between my mother and myself. My freedom costs alot :) after all its kinda hard to say to a girl "hey i know we only met an hour ago but you wanna go back to my folks place and make out in the basement... dont worry its finished and i'll even turn on the blacklights"
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haha true, but i've been engaged for nearly 2 years and we are getting married in sept. and she is cool with it. And yes, it adds up to be a LOT.


Damn, engaged at 23 goodluck. Well if thats not a factor, and yes your correct you can save alot, then why not? then again 18 months is a fucking long time. im guessing your doing this to save for the wedding/honeymoon etc...?

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Damn, engaged at 23 goodluck. Well if thats not a factor, and yes your correct you can save alot, then why not? then again 18 months is a fucking long time. im guessing your doing this to save for the wedding/honeymoon etc...?


No, it'd be selling my house this summer and saving the living expenses and everything up for the next house. I would sell my house next fall anyways as I want to move closer to my daughter, but i can't buy another place before then since I'm not working/finishing my degree. So this would provide a free place to stay until I got a good job to qualify for another mortgage.


Either way we're moving, just whether or not we sell this house now or in 18months-ish.

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there's no shame in it man.... you have to look at the bigger picture... 18 months of having dinner on the table every night, etc... sounds like a good gig...


I do think that at your age though, you should be paying some sort of rent or at least helping out with some of the costs around the house....

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18 months would save me close to $45k. If all my family didn't live 2 hrs away I would consider it.


Yeah, I added it up last night and about shit myself when I realized it was a hair over $30k just in your usual living costs and maintaining the house, not including fun money, or anything else.


I'm glad for the responses, they make me realize its not t he end of the world. Moving to my mom's isn't a necessary thing, but I keep thinking about that $30k I could save in mortgage/etc payments and how if only i could save up that towards a bigger downpayment on my next place, how that would make it so worth it.


I've been on my own since I was 17, and had my first kid at 19, so this entire thing is scary, but I think it'll be so worth it in the next few years and I'll look back and realize I did the right thing.


We probably would end up paying for somethings around the house, but I've always gone over to her house every weekend/other weekend and mowed her lawn/helped her around the house/shoveled snow etc, mainly doing the chores you'd think a man would do around the house, just to help her out some, so she really appreciates those kind of things, rather than monetary stuff.


Thanks guys, CR to the rescue, guess I'll get the ball rolling and see what turns up. :D

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Move in with MOM, stack tons of paper, tell MOM you love her...



Ive been home twice when I was at my worst. The good thing is if you have the opportunity take it. Nothing wrong with being at Mommas house for 18 months as long as your bank account grows heavy...


Good luck

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Since the reason you're doing it is for your future and not because you're some bum trying to sponge off her, I say move back home. There's nothing wrong with it. My brother did it when he move from Manhattan back to Pittsburgh and it helped him out a lot, and not just for financial reasons either.
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My wife and I are living with my parents right now for that exact reason. We are working on paying off our wedding and saving for a house. Should save us about 20k/year in doing this.


We didn't want to start our life together with debt.


Do it.

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i would. I want to sell my house....live at home...save money...build


over 18mo. i would save about 30k!



That's exactly where I am, $30k is without putting money here or there in little projects or fixing up shit around the house, or worse if something breaks, last year I spent like $6000 on misc little projects around the house just because I thought they needed done. I'm glad I did them, but at the same time I'd rather be $6k richer.



I think we're going to try a test run, maybe live at mom's for like a month to see how everything goes, if its kosher, put the house up for sale.


The nice thing about my mom's house is the upstairs is like its own little apt. 2 bedrooms, finished bath, sitting area/tv area and completley seperate from the rest of the house, so it'd be liek a little condo/apt within the house for us.

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thanks for the honest replies guys, for some reason i feel stupid/bad/whatever for even thinking about it, but it does make the most sense.


maybe i should make a poll and see how many people want to move back home, no matter the age, lol.

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I moved in with my mom for six months or so, while my house was being built, and my condo was being sold. The day I moved into the house I made a principle payment I was quite happy with.
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