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Doubles photos. What do you think


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A friend of mine did these for his photography class. Keep in mind I pulled these off facebook so the quality degraded alot. Oh and I know I'm fat so just to get that out of the way what do you guys think of them.







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Hmmm I guess I don't understand the point of this but that first pic just isant ok with me. Joking or not that's not something ide joke about to find enteretaining or informationakl. But that's just me.


It's the same guy. Calm down.


Multiple exposures of the same EXACT scene with the person in different locations, then processed into a single image.....good lord man.

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Hmmm I guess I don't understand the point of this but that first pic just isant ok with me. Joking or not that's not something ide joke about to find enteretaining or informationakl. But that's just me.


was thinking the same

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Hmmm I guess I don't understand the point of this but that first pic just isant ok with me. Joking or not that's not something ide joke about to find enteretaining or informationakl. But that's just me.


Holy crap spelling owns you.... and it's him shooting himself so who cares.

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I think they are pretty cool myself. Looks like it would be kinda hard to get them "just right".


Some what. Sure it's tougher than it looks though. He spent about 20 to 30 minutes on photoshop with each photo blending in and setting them perfectly.


The hardest part was brightness. Since mine was towards the end of the day and there were 4 photos together he had to change alot of stuff to get the lighting on each one the same.

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minus the spelling errors

hahahaah if i coudl rep you i would.

Holy crap spelling owns you.... and it's him shooting himself so who cares.

ahh deal with the spelling erros.

This thread...

Paul's head...


ahhhhhhh ryans face.


brian carters ass. wait you he might enjoy you being his little bitch. :gtfo:

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hahahaah if i coudl rep you i would.


ahh deal with the spelling erros.



Sorry normally I am not the grammar police and you usually are pretty good with your post, but that just hurt my brain to read lol...


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The more I drink, the easier Paul's Posts are to read. Go figure.


Back OT, if your friend turned those images in to Me for a grade, he would fail. Sorry.




Ouch!! oh well it is what it is.

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