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Want to get my basement finished...


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I'll help you, if you help me...


Man that sounds so wrong..........


But you know I'll help you out whenever you need man. I think finishing the basement is going to be my project this winter. It'll keep me busy. When are you thinking about doing your's?


We could just have a CR basement finishing party. One basement per month. Haha.

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Ceilings are a real bitch. . but with the proper tools and a couple people. . . they ain't bad. I'm down to help =) We could get some beer and pizza. . . and end up with like a half piece of drywall on the ceiling and everyone passed out in a corner. SOLID!


Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm expecting. Haha.

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Ceilings are a real bitch. . but with the proper tools and a couple people. . . they ain't bad. I'm down to help =) We could get some beer and pizza. . . and end up with like a half piece of drywall on the ceiling and everyone passed out in a corner. SOLID!

LMAO. Sounds similiar to when you have your buddies help you move and they get the beer before the move is complete. :D

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I used some 0 drop panels I found at home depot for my basement ceiling. I lost maybe 1/2 of height. Also if you can do the drywall you should just do the rest too. I'd consider the drywall the hardest part and the only part I'd ever contract out.
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ill give a hand if theres pizza and beer!


we (me, dad, and brothers) finished our basement at my parents house, but that was probably ~10 years ago. i remember getting one of those .22 caliber bullet nailers to drive the base boards for the frame into the ground...cant remember how the ceiling was done.


ive been in the process of remodeling a bedroom last weekend and when i can the last few days, so im starting to learn a lot of this stuff, but more practice cant hurt...

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I would be willing to help in a basement finishing, as long as I can have assistance on a basement refinish.




PS - I have worked on about 4-5 Basement finishing.... nowhere near an expert.... but not Phil either ;)

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