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Ride 2/7/09


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Since I'm new here, I'm not sure how you guys post rides....

Anyway rumor has it it might get up 52 on Sat. Thus I'm planning on riding if anyone wants to ride with me.

Leave from Super America on 256 just south of 70. 10:00am meet for 10:30 departure. Late start due to cold temp in morning.

Potential route is:

204E, 668S to somerset.

Option A: 669/555

Option B:668/13

Then turn around, or if we are feeling frisky finish the 13/555 loop using 78.

I'm up for other suggestions also... I also would be down for a shouter ride if folks are not looking for a 4 hour ride...

The pace will be relaxed since there will be unexpected wet spots with the melting snow, and new pavement could be torn up due to snow removal.

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Be careful out there! Lots of salt, sand, debris, etc will still be on the road. Just cruise for safety. That stuff will eat your rings on your chain too.

I like to wait for a nice few heavy rains before the 1st ride. Which can be end of Feb or 1st of March.

Thanks for the heads up, I normally hose the bike down, clean and lube chain after winter rides.

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Great, now I'm probably stuck riding with you two douche bags all summer again, due to all this wonderful banter. :p

I will ride with you, I don't care what bad habits you have!! I ride with my wife, not that I don't love it.:D;)But I can't wait to ride with some of the locals, who actually know their way home.

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i may go out this afternoon if the ice in the alley melts enough...

i went out a few weeks ago when we had that 50 degree day. main roads were fine. nice and dry, however the alley and my street was a solid sheet of ice. made for some interesting riding :)

sand and salt abound, but i wasnt really pushing it or anything. just cruisin really... just wanted to get on the bike. feels good man.

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Ride Report:

(not sure if you guys do those here, but oh well)


Just me, Pauly scared everyone off ;)


204E, 668S, 93E, 216E, 78NE to Ringgold, 555N, 669NW, 256/204E

Mileage: 161mi


The roads had standing water in spots, and some had some nice sand/salt debris. Good ride overall, really helped me focus on smooth throttle control and being flexible with my lines due to water and gravel. Was sliding a couple times...

204: Passed a cop, a cager was nice enough to give the old headlight flash warning. Also passed one of those 3 wheeled can-am spyder(yellow) things, my first time seeing one in person.

668S: was fun, hit some traffic, instead of trying to pass everyone the bulk of the time I pulled off for a minute and 'surfed the gap'. Probably about 50/50 dry and wet.

78: Made the entire ride worth it! 90% of it was bone dry, with no debris! No traffic either. FYI: There is a new nasty pot hole, north bound lane after the back to back 15mph corners, if you are tight on the double yellow line setting up your next turn, you should be fine.

555: A complete disaster. Stay away, or don't go below 37 on it. Pavement was in good shape, but every corner was covered in sand. Not just a little either, the entire road way... Often the lines were not even visible. It was tough to keep the old SRs in check in this section.

The peusdo slab home on 256/204 got a little cold.

Anyway got home about 3:00pm and got the bike hosed down and the chain cleaned and lubed.

Here are a couple lame cell phone pics of my muddy bike at the A&B station on 555, and my dumb forehead by the 555 sign.



Edited by RedCloud
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