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Group Ride Arguing


Have you wrecked on a large (10+ bikes) group ride?  

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  1. 1. Have you wrecked on a large (10+ bikes) group ride?

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The last time I went riding with someone, a wreck occurred. Since I was in the lead, I didn't see what the Hell happened other than the fact that there was a bike in the grass, in front of a tree. No deer, no gravel, just a shitty turn of events.

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statistics are exactly that:

car accidents occur more often during rush hour when there are more cars around on a particular road. the more cars available to crash, the higher percentage of a crash occurring.. the same goes for motorcycles. anyone of us can go out on a ride by ourselves and crash for any reason what-so-ever. the point is every time you go on a ride there is a chance that you could be in an accident.

i love group rides and the chance to be social with others that love riding as much as i do. the one time(so far) that i went off the road on a group ride there was no one near me, and it was not any of the groups fault at all. it was completely my own. im sure that even if i was on a track, i still would have made the same mistake of applying brake mid-corner because of the distraction from my visor flipping up. its that risk that makes me love motorcycles in the first place. if i lived my life in fear of crashing, i would never leave the house.

as far as that totaled kawi in hocking... that was not a OR group ride fault. still to this day we have NO IDEA why he went down. ive ridden with him for almost 7 years, on large and small groups, and mainly just him and i. he is a very good rider, and has always been able to keep up with me on his 600.. you cannot blame that on OR. shit happens. i understand you guys may never want to ride with him again, or even me, which is fine. but we will continue to ride together and live life.

meeting at the gas station to ride to qsl is for social purposes. nobody ever said you have to meet there. people like me that dont have too much time to get out and hang out with people really enjoy that 20 minutes of bull shitting with people before we get to qsl and its too loud to talk.

ohh and flounder... technically you were on a group ride at the track when you totaled your bike. you were riding with other riders all trying to push the limits.. im sure there was at least one other OR member there, so does that count as a OR group ride crash??? haha.. you know i'm just giving you shit because i can beeeeotch!

"Dream like you'll live forever. Live like you'll die today" James Dean

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as far as that totaled kawi in hocking... that was not a OR group ride fault. still to this day we have NO IDEA why he went down. ive ridden with him for almost 7 years, on large and small groups, and mainly just him and i. he is a very good rider, and has always been able to keep up with me on his 600.. you cannot blame that on OR. shit happens. i understand you guys may never want to ride with him again, or even me, which is fine. but we will continue to ride together and live life.

Shit happens. From what I was told it wasn't much of turn he crashed on. :dunno: It was hot that day...fatigue could have had something to do with it.

How is he doing?

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i havent been on any group rides with you guys, but the ones i have been on with another forum group on 64/65 and 105 is single file anything over 100 m.p.h. and donot pass or come around on the right because we will not be look'n for ya there.....in 6 years theres only been 4 crashes that i know of(all minor runoffs but 1)... the faster guys are always up front and pull away, do there thing and wait at the next stop sign.. but the one thing that pisses me off, is some squid try'n to keep up with us that has no clue about holding a line, body positioning, and apexing corners... all i can say, is if you take me out and im still able to move,ya better be ready to get your ass kicked hard... but in all honesty, since ive been do'n trackdays now for a few years, street riding is kinda lame anymore..it aint worth the risk or the tickets.. just remember, what might seem crazy fast and out of control to some people/squids,its well within the limits of the rider doing it..

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+1. budgeting on 5-7 trackdays this coming year. goal is to be running 1:41-1:43's at mid oh by the end of the summer. we'll see though.

lemmie know when ya get your dates setup.. im plan'n on do'n mid-o again this year a few times, along with grattan...im run'n 1:45-1:47's at mid-o, hope'n to improve on that myself lol..and i'd like to be down around 1:34's/1:35's at grattan...

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ohh and flounder... technically you were on a group ride at the track when you totaled your bike. you were riding with other riders all trying to push the limits.. im sure there was at least one other OR member there, so does that count as a OR group ride crash??? haha.. you know i'm just giving you shit because i can beeeeotch!

I want to kick you in the dick.. How did sat night turn out for you and your boy.. Did things work out or did you and your boy go home and get fruity together. :fruit:

hahahahaha. :D

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Didnt Putty wreck on one of the Apple Valley Rides...Flounder...

Where was that in your list?

Putty crashed at hocking but yeah I had forgot about it until he mentioned it to me a few days later after my post. He also mentioned a few others that I had forgot including your crash on 555. Actually, I think it was 555 where I ended up in a field behind Carla and one of Brad's friend. Follow the leader mentality was the reason for mine, Putty's, and Carla's crash. I dont think I knew you yet when you went down or why you crashed. I think its safe to say that follow the leader mentatity is also what got you, Shawna, and Steph tickets for 90+mph that day coming back from hocking.

My whole point was that big group rides have much more of a probability of a wreck whether its ohio riders or not. The follow the leader mentality and "get there before the other guy syndrome" causes way to many people to get in over their heads, me included.

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Yep, he sure did. I had forgot about it until he mentioned it to me a few days later. He also mentioned a few others that I had forgot including your crash on 555. Actually, I think it was 555 where I ended up in a field behind Carla and one of Brad's friend. Follow the leader mentality was the reason for mine, Putty's, and Carla's crash. I dont think I knew you yet when you went down.

Yes sir....


People wreck....If some people push harder where you are in a group, there is more of a chance to be a crash, just because they are pushing oustide of their limits. Just like riders push harder and harder while they are running on the track. Wrecks will happen....

I feel that if you are in a group and you ride outside your limits that day....your chances for a wreck is greater....but we are all adults(somethimes)... Ride the way you are most confortable and in control....

Dont ride to try impress...

When you are in large groups, people need to remember one wrong decision could hurt all of people...and not just yourself...

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Putty crashed at hocking but yeah I had forgot about it until he mentioned it to me a few days later after my post. He also mentioned a few others that I had forgot including your crash on 555. Actually, I think it was 555 where I ended up in a field behind Carla and one of Brad's friend. Follow the leader mentality was the reason for mine, Putty's, and Carla's crash. I dont think I knew you yet when you went down or why you crashed. I think its safe to say that follow the leader mentatity is also what got you, Shawna, and Steph tickets for 90+mph that day coming back from hocking.

My whole point was that big group rides have much more of a probability of a wreck whether its ohio riders or not. The follow the leader mentality and "get there before the other guy syndrome" causes way to many people to get in over their heads, me included.

The tickets were just speeding, there were no other riders but us on the section of road....All of you guys left us that day

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The tickets were just speeding, there were no other riders but us on the section of road....All of you guys left us that day

I was behind you trying to catch up if you remember right so technically you left me. . If you remember, I pulled in while you were getting the tix and the cop told me to leave. Im lucky I didnt get a tix as well.

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I was behind you trying to catch up if you remember right. If you remember, I pulled in while you were getting the tix and the cop told me to leave. Im lucky I didnt get a tix as well.

That was right YOU did stop....it was the first group that was getting Putty home

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That was right YOU did stop....it was the first group that was getting Putty home

Yeah that was a long night for me having to get my truck and head back to hocking to get the bike for putty, then heading to "well you know" then taking the bike to the dealer for insurance eval.

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Yeah that was a long night for me having to get my truck and head back to hocking to get the bike for putty, then heading to "well you know" then taking the bike to the dealer for insurance eval.


That is was a long day....I was the one in lockdown.....HAHAHAA

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