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Issue 1 question...


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fucking seriously?


I don't live in Columbus, but I work in Columbus. Due to not living there I have zero voting rights in Columbus. Since I work in Columbus, I'm expected to pay them income tax, but I can't vote on whether or not I think it should be increased. How is that suppose to be fair?

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Too many people in Columbus don't pay income tax (welfare, retired, etc) so many just vote yes because of the typical political scare tactics.


Coleman's loyalty to the unions will result in more businesses and taxpayers leaving the city, and then they will want more money from the few left who actually still pay taxes.

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I understand that many people are and will be upset about the passing of the tax. I didn't agree with the way it was carried out, but I do see the merits in it.


Issue 1 Fact: Columbus is full of the dumbest mother Fuckers around for voting for this tax. :nono:


To everyone who voted for this :gtfo:


You're all dumbasses :nono:


Sheep........people of Columbus are dumb sheep. :rolleyes:


But this is inexcusable. Tim, you know we're cool, so forgive me when I tell you to take your shitty fucking stuck-up insulting attitude and shove it right up your ass. I applaud the strength of your convictions and opinions, but you need to learn how to debate and take challenges respectfully. Feel free to disagree with me, but at least show your age and wisdom while you're at it.

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As for the original question, it is hard to say for sure. Even though the address may not be "Columbus" if Columbus city services (fire/police/trash/etc...) cover the address, you are technically Columbus.


Great example, I lived in an appartment complex near Polaris. Westerville address, Worthington school district, Columbus fire/police/etc. I know there are many places in Hilliard that are pretty much the same. About the best way to know is to check with the Columbus police department or the board of elections.


But I agree, Columbus people are sheep. Don't believe all the scare tatics they used to get this passed.

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this is fucking retarded, lucky i live in gahanna and work in gahanna so no taxes for me but if they want this to be effective give the police and fire their own line expense instead of having the general fund give them money. all this will do is put more money into the general fund for columbus to spend on other bull shit.
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If you work in Columbus you use the benefits and services of Columbus like Police and Fire. I agree I am not a fan of the money going to the general fund instead of the police and fire dept. Hopefully there will be accountability for the money. 3 of 7 council seats are up this year and the mayor is up next year.


The mayor would have layed off police and fire for sure, and as much as some people do not want to hear it our city would be like Cleveland real quick losing that many police and fire members.

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Norwich TWP fire responds if I call them. Franklin county sherrif, I pay for my own trash. I live on a twp road that gets plowed by the twp trustees.


My work is paying Columbus a city tax, so I need to get that fixed.

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I understand that many people are and will be upset about the passing of the tax. I didn't agree with the way it was carried out, but I do see the merits in it.


But this is inexcusable. Tim, you know we're cool..........Feel free to disagree with me, but at least show your age and wisdom while you're at it.


:chill: I don't disagree with you.......but you know that many times I do debate the issues at length. Here however, I just am cutting right to the point and skipping 86 posts, two thread locks and unlocks and some PM attacks. Why can't I be the one to stir the pot in fine CR fashion once in a while ;)


IMO, there are no merits when there's still fat to cut. Coleman is an idiot and I sure as hell don't need him and his cronies mis-spending more money. I also don't want to hear people bitch about school levy's. In times like this, the last thing I need to do is cough up money so your kid can play sports or be in the marching band. You pay for that shit. I have my own kids to pay for.


I'll never vote for redistributing my wealth or that of others. If the city needs help getting back on track or fixing things...then fine....but a fucking time limit on this tax with zero chance of extending it.


What pisses me off and makes me call the voters stupid is that they just simply hand over money with no recourse or plan. :nono: Just give up the money with no time limits or goals. You know as a sales manager, I give reps a ramp up time to get business going...but there's also an understanding that if they don't, the guarantee stops and it's time to fly solo.


Coleman...go get your act together and use this 1/2% to buy some solutions to fix the underlying problems. <insert laugh> as he's just going to spend it just as they've done for years...until they come back to the well for more. :finger:

Edited by TTQ B4U
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I don't disagree with you.......but you know that many times I do debate the issues at length. Here however, I just am cutting right to the point and skipping 86 posts, two thread locks and unlocks and some PM attacks. Why can't I be the one to stir the pot once in a while ;)


lol well that went better than I expected. :) Heart you.

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