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In this thread you will post ideas for saving America


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In this thread you will post ideas that will help america/ americans. Just post ideas, do not put down anyone elses idea, this is more like a think tank for ideas to help america!


I really just want people to starting talking about ways to fix america, not whats wrong with it!


I will start;


We should be required to pass a drug test to get goverment funding.

Edited by Ramsey
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We should hold local news responsable for what they print/say and have them be required to have a portion on the day devoted to unbiased factual news. Also, the channels using free airwaves should not be able to advertise during news programs.
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When you leave high school you have to have a plan. Military acceptance, further education and acceptance, or job already lined up. You must be a productive part of the nation.


If you are unemployable the gov will place you. You may not like it, but it needs done. You don't get to just sit home and say you are looking for a job.



you can have 2 ( or however many ) with out havig to show you can support more. No more having 5 kids and not bein able to take care of them.

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If you are unemployable the gov will place you. You may not like it, but it needs done. You don't get to just sit home and say you are looking for a job.


...you could have people that dont want to be in the military in the military. I wouldnt want some lazy couch potato watching my back if I am getting shot at. Let them live in their moms basement.. If shes supporting them then they are fine. Its the people that apply for government help that should be placed.


Take away some of the power of the credit bureaus. Credit scores almost have more power than the dollar.

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Shift power less federal, more local.


Legalize and tax the shit out of pot.


Higher speed limits during the day (good visibility), lower speed limits at night.


More funding for highspeed passenger rail. How cool would it be to have one of those 130mph trains from here to the east coast? Columbus to DC in about 3 hrs... would really pull cars off the road and decrease emmissions.


And how about some tax incentives for the solar industry?

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