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What do you think 94 camaro paint


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I just wanted to put this up so everyone can give there opinion on this paint color on this car. It isnt completely done by any means still alot to go yet. but what does everyone think of the color? the hood will have some black in it and the windows tinted black. is it gay or cool?http://i633.photobucket.com/albums/uu56/sprayin77/SANY0395.jpg
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I painted this car. it needs quite a bit of wet sanding yet, we just moved it out side to dry a little more today.


hope the finish dont turn out like that lightning :p


at least the fenders look like they line up

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hope the finish dont turn out like that lightning :p


at least the fenders look like they line up


Now why did i know something like that was going to be said. I told you the lightning wasnt even close to being done, we just took it to you to get it running, but yes the condition you got it in your right. and everything lines up just fine. The hood isnt closed in the photo. i will post up completely finished pics of the car

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Now why did i know something like that was going to be said. I told you the lightning wasnt even close to being done, we just took it to you to get it running, but yes the condition you got it in your right. and everything lines up just fine. The hood isnt closed in the photo. i will post up completely finished pics of the car


im just busting your balls man...that poor truck looked like ass...



someone asked me whos was that, i said it was a stolen recovery someone left in the parking lot.


should have had me fix the TB...or find the oe one for it..so that way it runs alil better

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