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What would you do?


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so there's a car on ebay that we are very interested in... the first day that I see it, the sales guy (small hole in the wall place in Reynoldsburg called MAC auto sales) was very responsive on my calls.... We go look at it, make plans for me to stop by saturday morning and pick it up for a few hours to get it up on a rack...


saturday comes... sales guy doesn't call me... so I call him... (I probably tried to call him on his cell probably 20 times on saturday) I even stopped by... no response and the guy isn't there... (apparently the other people who work there can't get people keys to test drive vehicles....)


So saturday night, I email the owner stating I haven't heard from John and to please have him call me... still nothing. so the auction just ended, and it goes for 500 less than what they told me they wanted. I send the owner a snide email stating something about if you would have returned my calls you would have made an extra 500 dollars. the owner promptly calls me back, telling me that John has been having personal issues and he has recieved other complaints about John not calling people back and that John told him that I wasn't interested in the car anymore. The owner told me if I wanted to take it tomorrow to put it on a rack even if I needed it all day that was fine and he would make up some sort of excuse to the winning bidder and sell the car to me for the winning price)


so my question is, would you believe the owner and go back to the table and try to work out a deal or say to hell with them and move on?

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There's no room for principles in car sales. The owner said the sale is yours. If the car checks out, and the price is what you want, take it. Once you have the car, you don't have to ever deal with them again.


Now if they start to jerk you around at all, walk.

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the only thing I would say is, that place seemed kind of like a "chop shop" like there are 2 guys working there that kind of gave me a bad feeling if that makes sense.... and the building beside theres probably had 15 chickens on their roof... so this being a reputable dealer, I kind of doubt it...
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IMO if i were you id walk, not only are they acting shady they have really crappy pictures of the car. any business trying to sell something should generally make sure they have good pictures of their item unless theres other issues with it they dont want the buyer to see.
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i'd vote to go take a look in person. just factor the cost to maybe fix the scratches into the 'total' price you wanna put into it.


looks beat, but then again, its like any other soccer mom-who's husband bought it for her so its too big-cant park-while chatting on the cell-screaming kids in the back-running into parked cars at Kroger's-SUV...

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this is by far the best price we've found for the mileage...


There might be a reason for that given the way this shop talks....


Also keep in mind that if someone who you don't know trys to say shit like "I'll make up some story to tell the guy who actually won the auction..." That would make me wonder what kind of story he's telling me. Don't just look at the $$$ when it comes to something like this. If it seems off to you then it probably is


...actually they are going up, but there's deals on them if you are willing to take your time and look...


You're right and if you keep looking you'll probably find another one similar to this but without the hassel or concerns.

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are you saying it looks beat because of the scuff marks or have you looked at it?


Nah Josh, I haven't looked at it. I just looked at the pictures. The pictures make it look pretty bad. There are scuffs/scratches/dents all over the vehicle. Typically people who treat a vehicle like that don't exactly keep on top of the maintenance.

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Also keep in mind that if someone who you don't know trys to say shit like "I'll make up some story to tell the guy who actually won the auction..." That would make me wonder what kind of story he's telling me.


That is exactly what I'm thinking. Based on some prior shady business I already scrutinize the shit out of anything I'm told by car salesmen, but if the guy has no problem being shady with someone else and even tells you about it I'd probably walk instantly.


You can expect to be treated with the same dishonestly. And what happens if this thing turns out to be too good to be true and all you have to rely on is this douche and his shady business partners to make it right? It's easy to let too many little things slide when you really want something then you can end up regretting it later.

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...There are scuffs/scratches/dents all over the vehicle. Typically people who treat a vehicle like that don't exactly keep on top of the maintenance.


I'm not sure that broad of a statement is true. I keep my wife's 1500 silverado in top notch mechanical condition. It gets scrapes/dents from kids/parking lots all the time. I buff and wax it as best I can, but using a vehicle as a DD will result in this type of 'stuff' if driven by someone who isn't as 'aware' as some of us are...

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i'd vote to go take a look in person. just factor the cost to maybe fix the scratches into the 'total' price you wanna put into it.


looks beat, but then again, its like any other soccer mom-who's husband bought it for her so its too big-cant park-while chatting on the cell-screaming kids in the back-running into parked cars at Kroger's-SUV...

my wife's car is pretty scratched up, but that's cause she just doesn't pay attention.... that's not what worries me.


the thought of if he's willing to lie to the winner on ebay, he will do it to me makes me think I don't want this vehicle for that alone...

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pretty cheap....i'd look at the car. some car dealers dont really care what their pictures look like and how their sales guys are.....but they should. Also the auction might of ended at 7k but the dealer could of had a friend bid it to that and never was going to buy the vehicle thats why he is willing to let you get it.
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thats kroger parking lot right by my house. why would they take it there to take pictures and not in there lot? is the the place i think it is right there on 40 on the right side by the trailer park? if so stay away its more than likely junk.
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