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Cleaning a bike?

Radio Flyer1647545514

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Honda Polish or Plexus whatever I have handy. Spray it on wipe it off, admire the shine.


For cleaning the chain get yourself a Grunge Brush and some chain wax (spray can). With the chain warm from a ride mix up some degreaser like Castrol Superclean and use the brush to scrub the chain. Wipe dry with a towel and spray with a good coat of chain wax.


No matter what, don't think putting the bike in gear while running on the rearstand will make any part of cleaning the chain easier.

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i use kerosene on my chain, grunge brush, then i wipe down with a rag after that.. till its clean

i then let it dry for a bit, and then after its done and dry i ride it to get the chain warmed up and then add the chain lube. i use honda Chain lube with moly

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I agree with everything said here, with a caveat on the spray polish. It (Honda polish for sure, and I'm sure others) contains a lot of silicone in it which could create problems for you if you use it regularly and decide to paint the bike down the road. I've heard tons of horror stories of causing fish eyes in paint even after proper prep. Just thought I'd give you the heads up. Also, when people generally use it they use rags that really create more scratches/damage and it'd be better off to leave dirty.
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