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Are you fucking kiddig me?


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I just found out today that the Army is no longer using your fitness test score or your score from rifle qualification toward your promotion points. This just shows me that we are leaning toward a more book smart and less capable military. You can literally go to a school now and not pass the fitness portion, AND STILL FUKING PASS THE SCHOOL!!! Really?


This really doesn't affect me much at this point in my career. But, if I was a newer soldier and some asshole was in charge of me and can't pass the SIMPLE fucking basics of being a soldier, how the fuck can I respect your rank? Let alone if you try to councle me for proformace, I'm just going to laugh at you.


WTF? Rant.

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Sweet. This is good news for fat, lazy fucks like myself who for some reason want to join the military.


Seriously though, that is dumb as hell. Doesn't surprise me at all though. It's probably because they had enough people fail it and cry discrimination.

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I really dont know much about the military when it comes to things like that. But I'm thinking of it as a business, lets take McDonalds. You start out by making food, but its the more intelligent ones that will "rank" up to become managers or CEO's. Just because you can salt the fries a little faster doesnt mean you are CEO material. Make sense?
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I think there needs to be some seperation between physical and mental performance. If you are a combat troop. I want the baddest motherfucker in the world fighting. I want the smartest designing his weapons and letting him know (from a distance) who and what he needs to destroy.
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Every soldier is a basic rifleman first. That's the standard. You can't join us if you can't hang because then the capable ones are carrying the weight of others. This isn't t ball, where everyone gets to play. And that's all this is going to do.


And all the design and research is all contracted out to private sector corperations.

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I just found out today that the Army is no longer using your fitness test score or your score from rifle qualification toward your promotion points. This just shows me that we are leaning toward a more book smart and less capable military. You can literally go to a school now and not pass the fitness portion, AND STILL FUKING PASS THE SCHOOL!!! Really?


This really doesn't affect me much at this point in my career. But, if I was a newer soldier and some asshole was in charge of me and can't pass the SIMPLE fucking basics of being a soldier, how the fuck can I respect your rank? Let alone if you try to councle me for proformace, I'm just going to laugh at you.


WTF? Rant.


That is BULLSHIT! :nono:

So now more un-qualified personel will be acheiving rank faster. What I think is BS, is the guard doesn't have a promotion board. It's a fuckin records review, not a face to face like the Active Army does it. Personally I've been wanting to switch to the reserve side since I got in the guard again.

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I really dont know much about the military when it comes to things like that. But I'm thinking of it as a business, lets take McDonalds. You start out by making food, but its the more intelligent ones that will "rank" up to become managers or CEO's. Just because you can salt the fries a little faster doesnt mean you are CEO material. Make sense?


It would, but most promotions in the enlisted world are all done off of a point system. For example, you go to Ranger School, I believe it to be worth 10 promotion points. You get an ARCOM (Army Commendation medal) you get 10 promotion points. All the points are divided up into categories, like awards, schools/schooling, performance, PT/RIFLE (Used to be) etc.... That's the Army's way of choosing the best candidate, but that's not always true. I've seen many worthless and un-qualified folks get rank thanks to some ass kissing.

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Whats the big deal? I thought the higher ranks just gave orders and didnt do any real work anyway.... Now instead of being able to shoot and kiss ass they can focus 100% on their ass kissing ability.


Because if you're out in the field ordering folks around, and you're getting shot at, you really need to be able to shoot back (for the sake of 'your men'), not to mention it's probably pretty physically demanding on your body to do so when you're fully geared-out in the middle of the desert.

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Whats the big deal? I thought the higher ranks just gave orders and didnt do any real work anyway.... Now instead of being able to shoot and kiss ass they can focus 100% on their ass kissing ability.


In the officer world it works like that mostly, but in the enlisted side of things, the higher you go the more work/tasks you now have. Not only are you having to watch over those in your command, you have to rate their performance, lead them, teach them, and sometimes break a foot off in their ass.

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Because if you're out in the field ordering folks around, and you're getting shot at, you really need to be able to shoot back (for the sake of 'your men'), not to mention it's probably pretty physically demanding on your body to do so when you're fully geared-out in the middle of the desert.


Thats the good thing about being in charge. You can duck, hide, and have the other men carry your stuff for you. We all know a lot of the higher ranking officers are there because they know people, and kiss ass.. not because they deserve it. If I'm wrong let me know but I've heard that story over 1000 times by everyone thats in the military. I hope its wrong, but thats why I never joined... I hate political bullshit.

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Just because you have rank and are liable/ in charge, does not dismiss you from being able to cover the man or women to your left or right. If you fucking make a bad call and you have been promoted without being able to DO the task, someone could die. It's a small set back, I understand. But it's bad enough to have a soldier die from the enemy, NOT because the command hadn't trained. Fuck you and get off my team. I hVe to care about you and train, but you can't cover me and don't care about your self. I dont fucking think so.


Last week a kid came up to me while was getting out of my car.

First question, are you in the army?

Second question, do you shoot guns?


I'm pretty sure the kid had a Russian accent and even he associated the military with being able to shoot a gun.


I'm writig this while at a 9mm and 249 range. And I see fuckers that can't shot TO SAVE THEIR LIVES. Let alone prvide cover for some one. But, it's ok. Put them in charge because they read a book and passed around the answer key. (we all know that shit happens)

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I'm writig this while at a 9mm and 249 range. And I see fuckers that can't shot TO SAVE THEIR LIVES. Let alone prvide cover for some one. But, it's ok. Put them in charge because they read a book and passed around the answer key. (we all know that shit happens)


I ran the M249 range @ Grayling last year, I can't tell you how many we kicked off the range for further PMI and utter failure.

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Just because you have rank and are liable/ in charge, does not dismiss you from being able to cover the man or women to your left or right. If you fucking make a bad call and you have been promoted without being able to DO the task, someone could die. It's a small set back, I understand. But it's bad enough to have a soldier die from the enemy, NOT because the command hadn't trained. Fuck you and get off my team. I hVe to care about you and train, but you can't cover me and don't care about your self. I dont fucking think so.


Last week a kid came up to me while was getting out of my car.

First question, are you in the army?

Second question, do you shoot guns?


I'm pretty sure the kid had a Russian accent and even he associated the military with being able to shoot a gun.


I'm writig this while at a 9mm and 249 range. And I see fuckers that can't shot TO SAVE THEIR LIVES. Let alone prvide cover for some one. But, it's ok. Put them in charge because they read a book and passed around the answer key. (we all know that shit happens)


So whats going to happen is instead of people saying.. "damn now I see why he's in charge that guy is bad ass with a rifle".. they will say is, "why in the fuck is he in charge of me? He couldnt shoot the broad side of a barn". Now I see why its a bad move. Not respecting the people giving you orders is bad.

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Isnt that what basic training is for? Teaching you the basics of being a soldier? Shooting and all that.


Rifle qualification is a yearly thing in the guard. When I was active we did it almost every 3-4 months. Basic training is just teaches you BRM (Basic Rifle Marksmanship). It is up to the individual units to further soldiers on weapons/training.

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I joined the Army National Guard in 1994 and they would not let me leave for basic because I was 4lbs overweight. They gave me 2 weeks to fix it. I went back to the MEPS center and I had lost 6 lbs and they still would not let me leave because my measurments had not changed. I WAS PISSED. I had already gone to drill like 3 times because I had to wiat for 3 months to leave for basic because there was not any space. I was sworn in, drawing pay and already went to Fort Knox to qualify. I was even working on Cobras with my platoon at Rickenbacker in the meantime. I was an Aircraft Armamnet Systems Repairer. I got a general discharge in the mail 3 months later. Never got to leave over 4 fricken lbs.
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