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Question for the ladies of CR

Guest Melanie

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No, this is why people should realize that the internet is public. People see what you do.



Or this is why people who participate on an online forum need to realize anything can and will be posted and a thick skin is needed.


Ever thought maybe you need to lighten up a little? Seriously, have you reread any of your posts?

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Or this is why people who participate on an online forum need to realize anything can and will be posted and a thick skin is needed.


Ever thought maybe you need to lighten up a little? Seriously, have you reread any of your posts?


She has a right to be mad.. How would you feel if your woman came on CR and said you had a little dick.


Worth being pissed yes.. but not more than a few minutes (in my opinions)

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Best answer so far. Maybe I should send you the actual comment since you seem to have a valid point.


Its up to you, I will call it like I see it. Don't particularly want to get in the middle of this, because its not my place.


I just get a kick out of the way guys act, cocky, arrogant, degrading. However I am more shocked that the women put up with the amounts of bull shit they usually do.

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Guest Melanie
Or this is why people who participate on an online forum need to realize anything can and will be posted and a thick skin is needed.


Ever thought maybe you need to lighten up a little? Seriously, have you reread any of your posts?


Of course I read my posts. Past and present.


And I know thick skin is needed but this is way over the top. Not to mention its a past request ignored for the 10000000th time.


Is there any limit to posting? What would piss you guys off? Everyone has to have a limit of whats acceptable to read about yourself, especially from someone whos supposed to care about you...

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Guest Melanie
Its up to you, I will call it like I see it. Don't particularly want to get in the middle of this, because its not my place.


I just get a kick out of the way guys act, cocky, arrogant, degrading. However I am more shocked that the women put up with the amounts of bull shit they usually do.


Exactly. Im not putting up with it anymore.

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I mean if he said some shit like my gf's pussy and was just being a smart ass and very indirect or specific in a joking fashion, I could see letting that slide. But it depends how directed the slander was.


I apologized pics damn it. ;)


BTW i don't care for the P word but i used it for shock and aw.

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Its up to you, I will call it like I see it. Don't particularly want to get in the middle of this, because its not my place.


I just get a kick out of the way guys act, cocky, arrogant, degrading. However I am more shocked that the women put up with the amounts of bull shit they usually do.


I sent your posts to the lab. I'm afraid to report that you have higher levels of estrogen than the average guy. Your request for a man card has been denied. If you would like to apply for a prepaid man card contact customer service at your earliest convenience.




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She has a right to be mad.. How would you feel if your woman came on CR and said you had a little dick.


Worth being pissed yes.. but not more than a few minutes (in my opinions)


I know she does, but why do we need to know about this situation? I don't know either party so I'm not taking sides with either one. I have met a Brian from here but I'm not sure if this is the same one. Just seems she's overreacting a little that's all.


I wouldn't care. I'm swinging at average. http://smiliesftw.com/x/embarassedwavey.gif

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Or this is why people who participate on an online forum need to realize anything can and will be posted and a thick skin is needed.


Ever thought maybe you need to lighten up a little? Seriously, have you reread any of your posts?


Men can be wrong too...........she must just be a crazy woman, blowing everything out of proportion, right?


Your an idiot.


She has a right to be mad.. How would you feel if your woman came on CR and said you had a little dick.


Worth being pissed yes.. but not more than a few minutes (in my opinions)


Depends on his attitude.


Get the hell off of here and talk to each other!!!!


Best suggestion of the thread.

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I will be nice and say this.


CR is not your best outlet for something like this. It sounds like the computers need turned off, glass of wine drank and sit down and talk about why what he said hurts you. This is a personal issue about trust and understanding. Thought i rather enjoy watching this play out in some perverted fashion, You guys need you time.


If you don't the chance for more hurtful things to be said is high.


ok /be nice


Cut him off and post on cr each day he does not get laid.

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i think i may be the first girl responding but you have to realize guys do play their "BA" role a lot, esp via internet.. i look at it like if i bitch a lot about something i will just push him away and he will say even worse things out of annoyance. I wouldn't argue with him about it i would just talk to him in person and tell him that it really does upset you and why would he want his friends to think that about you because not only does that make you look bad but it does to him as well. If you've brought it up several times and nothing is changing then obviously he's not going to listen. If he prefers to talk about that kind of stuff instead of respecting you as a person and your feelings then its not worth it. Does he know you can see all of this stuff? He might bring up the privacy role saying that you shouldn't be "spying" on what he does but i do agree with it being a public forum but make sure and look at it through his eyes too with that. Just talk to him as calm as possible... if he listens, fuck him good.
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