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Question for the ladies of CR

Guest Melanie

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Guest tbutera2112
Im not offended at all. Thats actually got a good point. I can understand not believing whats read, on here, because I can usually tell when people are kidding because I've met a lot of them.


But what about forums where nobody knows me and only knows what he says? They all believed the other slander hes said, I dont see how this would be different.


because pussy doesnt get crusty and "waft" a smell

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Guest Melanie

Im starting to like it too.


So if the post is so epic, did it really have to put me down to people who dont know me and do believe the shit they read? An ex who deserves that kind of slander maybe? I know CR is full of it usually because I've met them. These people will believe anything he types. Been proven before.

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But what about forums where nobody knows me and only knows what he says? They all believed the other slander hes said, I dont see how this would be different.


Truth be told, we don't personally know each other and I can tell you that I don't take what was shared or typed for much of anything. On another forum where people don't know you....reason enough right there not to even worry for one minute.


As I always tell the people that I manage, don't worry about everyone else, just worry about yourself. Also, don't worry about the things you have no control over, just change that which you can control. Kinda the same but different.


Occasionally, as I drive down the road, usually on long trips, I'll get that lone hitch-hiking bugger up my nose that I just can't resist mining for. Yeah, I'll admit it....but do I give a crap what the guy next to me on the interestate thinks? Nope....I'll never see him again and if I do, I will simply reassure him that I washed my hands :o:D


To further my point and throw the thread into true CR fashion, if you're ever up for dirty sex and promise not to tell my wife (or Brian), call me. I'm game :p


J/K of course ;)

Edited by TTQ B4U
added a few security measures
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Guest Melanie
Seriously it sounds like a joke and I wouldnt be pissed by it, especially if its a forum where you dont personally know anyone and probably never will. Like a few others said, it will probably be forgotten about in no time. Sounds like he was just trying to give the guys a few laughs.


But I also see your point its kind of like telling someone not to toss their stuff on the floor and they do it anyways. Its annoying. You need to have a serious talk about it if it bothers you that much. One of the reasons why Anthony and I get along very well is because of a deep respect for each other. If something bothers one of us we talk about it and we try our best not to make it happen again.


This is why the thread was directed towards the ladies and a few good men. I will say this to him for the last time. No messed up jokes, mean comments, personally revealing info, or anything about me that I would read and be pissed. This will be the 5th or 6th time and better be the last. The forum wont forget and neither will I unfortunately. I do remember the times I have gotten some respect though.


Why is it we cant remember the important stuff but cant get the bad stuff out of our head? Ugh.

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Guest tbutera2112
Truth be told, we don't personally know each other and I can tell you that I don't take what was shared or typed for much of anything. On another forum where people don't know you....reason enough right there not to even worry for one minute.


As I always tell the people that I manage, don't worry about everyone else, just worry about yourself. Also, don't worry about the things you have no control over, just change that which you can control. Kinda the same but different.


Occasionally, as I drive down the road, usually on long trips, I'll get that lone hitch-hiking bugger up my nose that I just can't resist mining for. Yeah, I'll admit it....but do I give a crap what the guy next to me on the interestate thinks? Nope....I'll never see him again and if I do, I will simply reassure him that I washed my hands :o:D


To further my point and throw the thread into true CR fashion, if you're ever up for dirty sex and promise not to tell my wife, call me. I'm game :p


J/K of course ;)



+1, ide hit it

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I'm kinda surprised that you are acting like you had no idea that Brian makes these kinds of jokes. This is normal for him for as long as I've known him.


Im starting to like it too.


So if the post is so epic, did it really have to put me down to people who dont know me and do believe the shit they read? An ex who deserves that kind of slander maybe? I know CR is full of it usually because I've met them. These people will believe anything he types. Been proven before.


To be fair, he didn't actually use your name. To us, its just another one of his funny bullshit stories.

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Guest Melanie
Truth be told, we don't personally know each other and I can tell you that I don't take what was shared or typed for much of anything. On another forum where people don't know you....reason enough right there not to even worry for one minute.


As I always tell the people that I manage, don't worry about everyone else, just worry about yourself. Also, don't worry about the things you have no control over, just change that which you can control. Kinda the same but different.


Occasionally, as I drive down the road, usually on long trips, I'll get that lone hitch-hiking bugger up my nose that I just can't resist mining for. Yeah, I'll admit it....but do I give a crap what the guy next to me on the interestate thinks? Nope....I'll never see him again and if I do, I will simply reassure him that I washed my hands :o:D


To further my point and throw the thread into true CR fashion, if you're ever up for dirty sex and promise not to tell my wife (or Brian), call me. I'm game :p


J/K of course ;)

:lol::lol: Now thats funny. Reference, build up and a punch line. Whats not funny is constantly uses your gf as the butt of tasteless jokes. You sir, just gave me a good laugh.

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This is why the thread was directed towards the ladies and a few good men. I will say this to him for the last time. No messed up jokes, mean comments, personally revealing info, or anything about me that I would read and be pissed. This will be the 5th or 6th time and better be the last. The forum wont forget and neither will I unfortunately. I do remember the times I have gotten some respect though.


Why is it we cant remember the important stuff but cant get the bad stuff out of our head? Ugh.


I'd dump your dumb ass, who are you to tell him what to post and what not to post, christ for the last time logout and don't monitor him. You will never read it then. You love to catch him, that's the truth. I would keep posting it too until you quit reading or left.

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This will be the 5th or 6th time and better be the last.


The exact reason why it will continue to keep happening. Its already happended so many times. Its highly unlikely it will change.


I hope it is just a joke, but because it has happened so many times, even after you have told him it makes you mad/hurts you, I doubt it is.


He should be able to find another subject to "joke" about. If he can't respect the fact that it hurts you, well then you are out of luck.

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there are a few members here that thier brand of humor is shock/disgust. Brian is one of them (maybe the biggest one)(think loofa and chokeing, and many stories about big shits). You need to understand that and keep that in mind, after all you are dating a vet that was locked in a sand box for like a year with other guys (he most likely said worse over there) so a certian amount of truckers mouth is to be expected. Not saying it is totaly cool but you've been with him enough that you should be ready for it
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I'd dump your dumb ass, who are you to tell him what to post and what not to post, christ for the last time logout and don't monitor him. You will never read it then. You love to catch him, that's the truth. I would keep posting it too until you quit reading or left.


Great logic. He is a free man, don't hold him down by getting your feelings hurt over something stupid.


What a joke. Feelings aren't rational. If something I did hurt my wifes feelings, I would try my hardest not to repeat them. I imagine you are the same way in real life, regardless of what you post from your keyboard. You haven't ever gotten in a fight and had no fucking clue why it hurt her feelings? it has happened to me, and even if I don't agree with it, I still want no part in hurting her. I will do my best to explain my actions, and then alter them to come to a middle ground. Its called compromising.


Talk about the all time internet tough guy act. You are defining it.

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Guest Melanie
I'm kinda surprised that you are acting like you had no idea that Brian makes these kinds of jokes. This is normal for him for as long as I've known him.




To be fair, he didn't actually use your name. To us, its just another one of his funny bullshit stories.


I told him before that he can tell whatever rediculous story he wants about himself. Hes a big boy. I just dont want them told about me. Not that hard. I dont care about the shitting pants stories, loofah story etc...(why is it I could only think of poop examples...:confused:?) But just dont insult me for the world to see.


And everyone on the thread knows who I am in relation to him. I cant even post on there because everyone brings up old shit that hes said before and it drives me nuts. Maybe I should just make a random comment and see what happens...

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Maybe I should just make a random comment and see what happens...


No, no...make it creative and build up the suspense. Take your time and make us remember it. Gotta be funny. Put your man hat on and talk about bodily functions, use lots of descriptive words and keep it to a few well written paragraphs. :bangbang: Think "America's Got Talent" and go-for-the-gold.

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Guest Melanie
Great logic. He is a free man, don't hold him down by getting your feelings hurt over something stupid.


What a joke. Feelings aren't rational. If something I did hurt my wifes feelings, I would try my hardest not to repeat them. I imagine you are the same way in real life, regardless of what you post from your keyboard. You haven't ever gotten in a fight and had no fucking clue why it hurt her feelings? it has happened to me, and even if I don't agree with it, I still want no part in hurting her. I will do my best to explain my actions, and then alter them to come to a middle ground. Its called compromising.


Talk about the all time internet tough guy act. You are defining it.


Exactly. A real man right here.

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there are a few members here that thier brand of humor is shock/disgust. Brian is one of them (maybe the biggest one)(think loofa and chokeing, and many stories about big shits). You need to understand that and keep that in mind, after all you are dating a vet that was locked in a sand box for like a year with other guys (he most likely said worse over there) so a certian amount of truckers mouth is to be expected. Not saying it is totaly cool but you've been with him enough that you should be ready for it

Everyone should +1 this. It's pretty much true

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Guest Melanie
No, no...make it creative and build up the suspense. Take your time and make us remember it. Gotta be funny. Put your man hat on and talk about bodily functions, use lots of descriptive words and keep it to a few well written paragraphs. :bangbang: Think "America's Got Talent" and go-for-the-gold.


Not that witty when Im trying to be. The good stuff comes from me sometimes though when Im talking. If I'm going to contribute something to continue the epicness you guys would have to help me.

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Fine... He wont post it again so here you go... How funny is it if it envolved any of you?


Thread- "What is the worst smell ever?"


"When my girlfriend doesn't shower for the entire weekend then we get drunk and have sex. There's a buildup of crust around the labia, it smells pretty bad and doesn't taste very good either. Usually when she's riding me with the covers on and it's all wafting up into my face with every thrust is when it's the worst."


lol. ur pussy stinks

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