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My run in with a deer today


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So before you read any further let me tell you that I did not hit a deer lol. I was at my cousins football game today, when a doe came out of the woods. It came up behind the cars where we was sitting at and got within a foot of the kids. It then went back into the woods, my other cousin was curious and followed it. Go into the woods and I grab a twig with some leaves on it, the damn deer stops and turns around. Comes up to me and starts eating out of my hands. I started to pet the damn thing lol. It sat there for a few mins then walked away. We goto leave the woods and the damn thing comes back up to me


Pics for proof:









Edited by DaddyBuiltRacing
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Guest tbutera2112
im surprised everyone is so shocked....have any of you been to sharon woods? when i was a kid me and my mom would go there and feed the deer all the time, they come right up to you
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i was in WV when i was a kid (like 7-8) and i remember a bunch of deer off the side of the road going to the place we rented a cabin, and my mom and us 4 kids getting out and petting these little deer, still had their spots


i dont think ive been within ~20 feet of one unless i was in a car and almost hit it

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im surprised everyone is so shocked....have any of you been to sharon woods? when i was a kid me and my mom would go there and feed the deer all the time, they come right up to you


Sharon Woods is close enough to suburbs that there isn't any hunting nearby, and popular enough that there's a shit-ton of idiots that can't read DO NOT FEED ANIMALS signs, so you have a population that is used to people being harmless. Most deer will tails-up and run if they see a person at any distance.

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You should've put it in a headlock and rode it home. :p


I've actually had a couple pet deer when I lived in Texas. I've gotten pretty close to a couple out here on some drives out in the middle of nowhere (not with the car, I get out of it. lol) but haven't had one feel that safe. That's pretty cool. Make me think that it's probably been around humans alot; being fed or otherwise.

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