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Looks like I might be out of a job


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Well as many of you know I was injured almost 6 months ago at work. Now that its getting cold, my employer is slowing down and will probably be laying off. If I was healthy I would never ever be layed off. I was told by my Dr. and Physical therapist I need to find a new job due to my foot never being able to do that type of work again. I see the Dr. this week, and he will ask me if my employer will have light duty work for me, and after speaking with him, there just is nothing. Construction is so far down right now. I am losing alot of money each month and my savings is nearing depletion. So I really dont know what to do at this point. I certainly wont be able to find a job making as much as I previously did and since I always figured my body would make my money, I dont know where I will end up with this. It all just sucks.
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I feel your pain man, my dad and I just got underbid on a job by 32k dollars at the Springfield ANG. One building alone we were underbid by 20k, we put a bid in for 21k lol....construction fields are down big time now and when you do find work they dont want to pay shit. Good luck man, things will get better
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I know what you mean to some extent, my Doctors have been telling me with my back and it's slightly slipped disks to stop working such physical jobs. What can you do? There are only a couple things that I have experience in, electrical and automotive. I don't know how you are but I can't stand working in sales or at a desk, so what are you to do?
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I may be forced into a desk job but my company is so small there is none there. Unfortunately everyday is different in how I am able to walk. Some days its hard to get started, which means I may be late, some nights I cant sleep, so that means I may have to call off.
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I may be forced into a desk job but my company is so small there is none there. Unfortunately everyday is different in how I am able to walk. Some days its hard to get started, which means I may be late, some nights I cant sleep, so that means I may have to call off.


Have u even talked to a lawyer?

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No. I really like my employer and we have a great relationship. Until recently, there was never a doubt if I would return to my job, but I guess reality is sinking in.


I understand the relationship but honestly this has ruined your ability to find gainful employment in your current field.


Realistically you should be due some compensation for that, especially if they are going to lay you off because of it.


but this is just my opinion.


I understand how hard it is to realize you have made promises to your children, but hopefully you have raised them to understand that sometimes hardships happen, and you will do your best to take care of them.

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I can't believe you never got a lawyer. Dumbest mistake you could have made!


Contact one today and hope it's not too late. My buddy got a nice seven figure settlement when his hand was crushed at work.


I understand not trying to screw your employer, but you have to think about what's more important. Them or your family?

Edited by Doug
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Dude I Work for the state and if you were hurt like that at my work , they appoint you a lawyer free of charge even if you are at fault. Personally I would still find a lawyer because someone owes you money. If my foot was fucked like that I would be set. Some guy that use to work at my job smashed his hand broke his index and complains about this and that, he they settled for a nice amount.
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I agree with Doug...if you have to get a lower job, or re-educate yourself for another career path at great personal expense and sacrifice of time with your family, you owe it to your wife and children to at least consult an attorney.


Not that you will get millions of dollars, but even a five-figure settlement will be a good start at supporting your family while you focus on learning a new career...

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Damn man, this sucks. I'm sorry to hear. Are you able to go back to the sales job there? I know Tom is a really good guy and I know you are close with the whole family, but you are going to need to see a lawyer...it's not personal against them, it's just business and you looking after your future.


What about going back to painting? I probably have some interior paint work you could do to make some extra Christmas bucks if you want and if you are able.

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I wish i had gotten a lawyer on some things that happened to me that made me miss a good couple of months of work i never got compensated for and for having pains the rest of my life.


Honestly, it comes down to it, work is work. Work is not friendships. Friendships are outside of work. If you let that get in the way of how you operate at work you will go down a bad path. What happened to you is business and you need money to compensate for it. You should be getting paid for the time off you have suffered. This is a LONG term disability. You should be getting around 100 pay for a short time and 60 percent or so for the remainder.


You really need to talk with a lawyer and start gathering this together to support your case. Trust me in a couple of years or even next year you will be kicking yourself for not doing it.


If you cannot do this type of work again you would need compensated for training of a new job/ schooling. It isnt about taking your employer to the bank, its about taking care of yourself and your family.

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Damn man, this sucks. I'm sorry to hear. Are you able to go back to the sales job there? I know Tom is a really good guy and I know you are close with the whole family, but you are going to need to see a lawyer...it's not personal against them, it's just business and you looking after your future.


What about going back to painting? I probably have some interior paint work you could do to make some extra Christmas bucks if you want and if you are able.

I have had a couple dinners with Tom recently. He would love to have me back in sales. But business is so crazy low right now. Everyone is on the chopping block right now. Its bad.

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