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Ohio BMV is wasting your money

El Karacho1647545492

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Its that simple. I got a letter the other day requesting that I mail a copy of my proof of insurance for my Exploder. Its insured, and I see nothing wrong with the program except its a program DESIGNED TO DO FUCKING NOTHING.




A few things I'd like to know about this program:

-How much does it cost the state; material costs to send letters randomly all year, and to pay people to process the returned forms?

-They estimate it'd cost $100k per year to provide pre-posted envelopes, but they don't want to pay THAT cost so they think it'd be more prudent to make us pay to post via snailmail.

-Who the hell do they think they're helping? If someone's driving around without insurance, do they really think they'll stop doing so because they got this silly ass request in the mail?



This is pretty much as useful as sending out a letter saying "Is your car stolen? Cuz if it is, we're going to suspend your license and registration until you prove it's not stolen."

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I got one of those letters a while back. Pissed me off to no end too. I agree, driving without insurance should be a crime. But to assume I am guilty until I prove myself innocent is bull shit!


Besides, just because I have a car registered does not mean I am driving it. Had they requested proof of insurance for my Camaro I would have been up shit creek. At the time the motor was on a stand being built, the car was on a rack with no front end attached. I cancelled the insurance until we got it back on the road. Luckily they wanted proof for a car I was driving.


BTW, double check the date they want insurance proof for .... it's not always the current proof they want.

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My brother in law got 2 of those letters about 2 weeks apart for the same vehicle. He sent in the info, but they didn't process it and suspended his license.

He found out through a friend of a local officer who ran his plate late one night.


Good to know the retarded system works retardedly.

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Instead of sending out letters, they need to start enforcing the law on those who are busted w/o insurance instead of letting them continue.

yeah , but its easier to harass the law abiding people that pay there insuance on time for 12 years straight . Ive been hit up with there BS 5 or 6 times since they started doing this crap .

I worked with these Somolians who rearended a Cota bus . guy had no licence no insurance and cop never even cited him ! was at work next day to tell story .:mad:

Now if it was me , my car would of been impounded along with court and fines , impound fees . basically they would of thrown the book at me . Yeah its a great system they got ! lol

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i got two fof these abouteh same time a year apart...1st time was was fine cause i had to renuw my tags no problem 2nd time was a year later an i had traded the car into the dealership...( had been traded in for almost 10 months) an the dam dealer still had the title in my name but a simple fix at the bmv an everythign was fixed. i dont see why your being a cry baby about it if you had nothign to hide.


and also technically if you have somethign thats in your name that is for street use an say tis being worked on for a long time your susposed to cal lteh bmv an have the car marked in there system was a non opp vehicle so that u dont have to have insurance an tags ect ect but who does that.


cliffs: happens to every one at some point quit crying about it waste ur 20cents worth of paper/ink to print out ur proof an send it back plain an simple.

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Fast fact that will piss you off more: The BMV can look up if you have active insurance, but by law they're not allowed to for this program (and most others).


if i take insurance off a motorcycle, the dual sport, can i get tagged for this shit too? Do I technically have to keep it insured?


If you have another car with insurance and good plates, no. Example: If I got one of these for my SVO in January, I can come back and show them my Trailblazer as proof I have another insured vehicle to drive.

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Fast fact that will piss you off more: The BMV can look up if you have active insurance, but by law they're not allowed to for this program (and most others).




If you have another car with insurance and good plates, no. Example: If I got one of these for my SVO in January, I can come back and show them my Trailblazer as proof I have another insured vehicle to drive.


This.. my mom got one for here mazda which has a blown motor and hasn't moved in 2 years. She just showed her current viechiel and proof of insurance. But it is a joke of a program.

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question...i plan to buy a rx7 roller...do i need to get insurance just to register it or what?


No, you can transfer the title into your names without insurance, but once you purchase plates for the car you are required to have insurance. Its that form you sign at the BMV when getting plates/transferring plates. You will only need to go the title office to put it in your name, and no insurance is required.

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i got two fof these abouteh same time a year apart...1st time was was fine cause i had to renuw my tags no problem 2nd time was a year later an i had traded the car into the dealership...( had been traded in for almost 10 months) an the dam dealer still had the title in my name but a simple fix at the bmv an everythign was fixed. i dont see why your being a cry baby about it if you had nothign to hide.


and also technically if you have somethign thats in your name that is for street use an say tis being worked on for a long time your susposed to cal lteh bmv an have the car marked in there system was a non opp vehicle so that u dont have to have insurance an tags ect ect but who does that.


cliffs: happens to every one at some point quit crying about it waste ur 20cents worth of paper/ink to print out ur proof an send it back plain an simple.


read the fucking thread.



I already said I don't mind doing it to prove that I'm insured, but my gripe is that the program solves an invisible problem and is a complete waste of taxpayer money. Would you want government funds keeping an entire office in Richfield OH to process this crap? Cuz that's what's going on. There are a LOT of things this state needs more than a random screening process.


If you fail to understand that, how considering what the program actually is intended to do. Okay, its intended to verify that Ohio drivers have insurance on their cars registered in Ohio. A noble cause indeed, because many people fail to maintain insurance or illegally register their cars. So if they do mail a letter to someone who is in violation of this, what exactly do they think they're doing about it? Oh no, they suspended their license and registration now too!? So this means that an innocent person whose proof of insurance was mishandled is now assumed to be guilty (a situation which has already presented itself in this thread). Conversely, someone who is actually violating the law and driving without insurance will pay a greater penalty........IF CAUGHT. It's not like they actually do anything after suspending your license and reg. The program just ends there. They don't send SWAT teams to go find the uninsured. They don't even hit you up again to say "hey, um, do you mind getting insured because if you don't, you run the risk of getting arrested?" They just add you to the list of people who are gonna be completely fucked over next time they get pulled over.


Cliffs because I know your reading comprehension is probably as developed as your typing.


-I don't care about proving my insurance. I've lived in MA where you MUST surrender identification to a cop if commanded to. I'm used to the Man trying to keep me down.

-I just don't like useless government programs when there are good, hardworking people on hard times in this world.

-The program, in the end, only ends up fucking people over. It benefits nobody. Show me someone it benefits and I'll consider changing my mind.


Another thought; I wonder what costs more. This program, or the potential cost of providing insurance to all uninsured drivers in Ohio? Hmmmm.

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Wonderful. Im glad were almost bankrupt as it is.


Maybe Strickland will send out his minions to ticket more people to foot the bill...


qft i was downtown last night and I saw at least half a dozen people in the process of getting pulled over throughout the night for no real reason as far as i could tell. maybe they forgot to send in their proof of insurance to the random bureau

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