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Flu shot makes cheeleader get disorder for life


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Man, that's a wild case of dystonia. One of my friends was diagnosed with that at the age of 12 but she isn't cured when she walks backwards, lol. . nor can she speak fludily when she runs. I have a hard time believing it was caused by the flu shot, as it's a genetic disorder . . . but perhaps it did play a role in activating it before it's time somehow.


Sad either way, she's gorgeous.

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Wow, thats shitty. I agree that she is fucking gorgeous. I can't imagine having to go through with that. Pretty odd that she's normal when running.


I'm curious as to whether or not it was caused by the vaccine, and I find it hard to believe that in today's society there isn't a cure for something like that, or at least something that can lessen the effects? Surgery or meds or something?

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Wow, thats shitty. I agree that she is fucking gorgeous. I can't imagine having to go through with that. Pretty odd that she's normal when running.

I'm curious as to whether or not it was caused by the vaccine, and I find it hard to believe that in today's society there isn't a cure for something like that, or at least something that can lessen the effects? Surgery or meds or something?


heres a thought. perhaps this vaccine slowed down her brian under normal circumstances. when her body/mind is put under physical load, it speeds things back up to normal. im sure theres some sort of med out there that speeds up the body. just an idea, prolly doesnt make sense though.

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No reason in the world for a young healthy person to take a flu shot. The world is full of pussies and she is paying for it (paying for everyone). Thank god she can still run, so she can get out and stay in shape. I can see her husband enjoying some spasms in bed... though, being a strenuous activity, she might actually be fine while fucking... seriously, it's worth asking.

So, she can run to stay in shape and loves to fuck because it's a bit of normalcy... not so bad. :)


I'll never get a vaccine for anything that isn't guaranteed disfiguring/fatal AND guaranteed to be exposed to it.

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