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Whats the best gaming console to buy?


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Funny that you're bashing a number I was trying to recall off the top of my head (10%) when that's the exact failure rate of PS3's as shown in the PDF I linked above. It's cute, really.


I've seen articles about console failure, but I still haven't seen a PS3 fail, heard of a PS3 failing, or even been able to make mine fail! I'm pretty damn hard on it- sticking it in a little cubbyhole, using it as an anvil, space heater, mirror, and many other uses. It just keeps going. See Chris, I bet you feel like an idiot for getting the warranty from best buy now? I told you so.

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Funny that you're bashing a number I was trying to recall off the top of my head (10%) when that's the exact failure rate of PS3's as shown in the PDF I linked above. It's cute, really.


I wasnt bashing numbers, I was bashing xbox fanboiz. Either way that PDF proves my point. PS3 failure = 10%, xbox failure =23.7%.

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I recently read a series of reviews of PS3 vs XBOX 360 starting around the PS3s launch date, then another a year later, and the most recent in January of 09 (so pre-120GB PS3 Slim). I think the conclusion it draws is excellent:




if you want to read the whole article, its very in-depth in terms of looking from all angles (netflix, etc) http://www.hardcoreware.net/playstation-3-vs-xbox-360-two-years-later/




edit: the fact that you can actually store a majority of video formats (such as AVI) on your PS3 hard drive is the main selling point for me. The "media extender" funcion on the XBOX 360 never really worked well enough for me and you can't store anything that isn't WMV, which is retahhhded.


I had this same epiphany in the middle of best buy. No matter how many times i ask the same question to different people the answer's will always be different. I bought the best deal at the time hands down. Im not the type of person to play video games 60hours a week but if i get to play here and there and it entertain's me then all is good.

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The version of the 360 he got with the MW2 package has about a 10% failure rate.


So my best friend just got the rrod on his mw2 360(4 days of playing). 10% fail rate my ass. He called MS and they said that hes not the first one with the MW2 360 to get the rrod. So i don't know where you got that 10% FAIL RATE buddy you got proof to back that up. Or you just a 360 fan boy. Thats why we call it the shit60.


I would tell your friend to return whatever he bought for a full refund. I've got 30 days with best buy and i know if my console broke in that 30days i'd return it.

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