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Guess what I got for thanksgiving!


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A hit an run...


After enjoying a great turkey day I had the joy of walking out to my car to find a big fat dent in the driver's quarter. No note, only paint left by a jerk...






The insurance company asked me to make a police report, and the fella that came jumped out of his patrol car (leaving his door wide open) asked for my id, and took down my plates then took off... It was strange because the way he parked made people trying to get through almost take my mirror off.


sad part is that my deductible is kinda high ($500) :( and it will be a few weeks before i can afford to have it fixed... I'm headed to howard street garage tomorrow to get a quote... anyone recommend a good shop?

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Dent Wizard


http://www.google.com/mapdata?CxXTC2QCHQRQDPsgDwxAggFIUFICVVOQAQKYAQXKAQJlbg2435 Billingsley Rd Columbus, OH 43235-1925 - (614) 799-0450




we had a dent on the pass door right at the bottom where the door has the flare in it and they pulled it out perfect, took about an hr and a half.. call for an appt

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i wouldnt claim that on insurance. would be cheaper to fix it yourself and not have your rates go up


i slipped on black ice in like 2004 i think, and i took my drivers side down a phone pole, killed my fender, drivers door/mirror, and rear door... deductible = $500. found used parts in the same color...took me 2 trips to just north of marysville to get the parts, but i bought all the pieces for ~$700 and did it myself


but PDR would probably work for that too. if not, car-part.com and search for a new fender in the same color. stock colors aren't hard to find.

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Guest tbutera2112
+1...i have 2 non fault accidents on my record (i got t boned by a guy running a red light, and i t boned a car running a 4 way)...the other driver was cited, i was let go, my rates went through the roof
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i got my quote today its gonna be cheaper than my deductible to fix... called my agent and switched my deductible to 250 ... adding only 8 bucks to my monthly payment...


the gentleman that gave me the quote told me they'll raise my rates if I appear frivolous with my claims... right now if I run it through insurance it will cost them maybe $20 over my deductible


it depends on wether or not they need to blend the paint onto my hood or not... if they don't need to blend it onto the hood then it will only cost about $350 or so.

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You guys missed the legally part of my post. Comprehensive claims can not, legally, result in your premium rates being increased. Not the exact snippet because I don't feel like looking that deep, but it gets my point across:


3937.22 Prohibiting increase in cost when insured not at fault.


No insurer shall increase the cost of a private passenger automobile insurance policy based on the insured’s involvement in a single motor vehicle accident during the policy period when both of the following apply:


(A) The insured’s action is not a proximate cause of any loss, damage, injury, or death arising out of the accident;


(B) The insured has not been convicted of, pleaded guilty to, or pleaded no contest to, a violation of law as a result of the accident.


Effective Date: 10-20-1994

Source: http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/3937.22


Of course there are ways around it. Like as described above, if you were hit in a certain intersection the insurance company can then claim that your daily driving route is through an area that has a high chance of an accident occurring and can raise your rates based on that statistic.


Oh and if your rates are increasing after a non-fault claim, comprehensive, etc., you are getting shafted. I hit a raccoon putting a nasty dent in my bumper, filed the claim and received a new bumper. My rates didn't move at all.

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