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The new CEO of GM, steps down


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I think they need some progressive minds in there, willing to work and make changes (*cough* unions *cough*).


I personally think the Saturn Vue is the best small SUV on the market, I got one for a rental and loved it.


I also think that they need to dump the brands that have nothing to offer, like hummer, but they are too slow to get those off the ground.

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Henderson has nothing to regret, he was the right guy at the right time to help GM with a huge weight and bankruptcy. Now he's not the right person anymore - they need a details/focus guy like Mulally was/is for Ford.


I always laugh when I think of a comment Wagoner made at the start of the crisis about when Mulally took over at Ford, something to the tune of "he called me for weeks asking for advice" and how a non car-guy in the CEO role is a disaster - who's laughing now Wagoner?

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omg.. have ANY of you who are crying about unions ever actually worked for one, let alone for the big three?


Shut up unless you know EXACTLY what the fuck you are talking about.

9 years under my belt as a UAW member, and my ENTIRE family working for GM.. What that company is going thru is not screwed up mainly because of the unions.


Get over yourselves.

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I've been in a union once, and never again. UFCW I believe it was. "Hey guys, we got you a raise of $.20 an hour! Too bad we're raising our dues by exactly $8/week. You'll get over it!" Yeah, maybe if the one I was in was an unstoppable juggernaut like the UAW, and they got me $20/hour and good benefits I'd like them too. Why don't they go and pwn toyota, honda, or bmw like they pwned the American companies. That will show them :)
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omg.. have ANY of you who are crying about unions ever actually worked for one, let alone for the big three?


Shut up unless you know EXACTLY what the fuck you are talking about.

9 years under my belt as a UAW member, and my ENTIRE family working for GM.. What that company is going thru is not screwed up mainly because of the unions.


Get over yourselves.


$25+ per hour to put bolt A in hole B? Yes, fuck unions. No wonder the big 3 are in trouble and cant get off the ground. $1500 from every new vehicle goes to pay healthcare and pension for retirees.


When they get in this type debt, from these types of organizations, thats when you get everyone screaming to disband them.

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omg.. have ANY of you who are crying about unions ever actually worked for one, let alone for the big three?


Shut up unless you know EXACTLY what the fuck you are talking about.

9 years under my belt as a UAW member, and my ENTIRE family working for GM.. What that company is going thru is not screwed up mainly because of the unions.


Get over yourselves.


I guess I am going on anecdotal evidence that the cost per vehicle is more expensive in a union shop vs a non-union one.

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$25+ per hour to put bolt A in hole B? Yes, fuck unions. No wonder the big 3 are in trouble and cant get off the ground. $1500 from every new vehicle goes to pay healthcare and pension for retirees.


When they get in this type debt, from these types of organizations, thats when you get everyone screaming to disband them.


Like Rick Wagoner's 74K per year year until he dies and his 8.2 million dollar payout for leaving. Must be nice....

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omg.. have ANY of you who are crying about unions ever actually worked for one, let alone for the big three?


Shut up unless you know EXACTLY what the fuck you are talking about.


The sentence after the big space here (hell the EXACTLY part too), is funny to me.

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omg.. have ANY of you who are crying about unions ever actually worked for one, let alone for the big three?


Shut up unless you know EXACTLY what the fuck you are talking about.

9 years under my belt as a UAW member, and my ENTIRE family working for GM.. What that company is going thru is not screwed up mainly because of the unions.


Get over yourselves.


you don't know what your talking about either then. there is no reason a line worker should be making $28/hr. they are not skilled labor. even honda doesn't pay that much.

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Shit Chuckin Apes on assembly lines making too much money AND GM making shitty vehicles (not coincidentally assembled by aforementioned apes) are what drove GM to the ground.


Oddly enough, Honda and Toyota pay their employees more, and yet it costs them less, ANNNDDD theire cars are higher quality! (Not conincidentally by NOT being assembled by aforementioned Shit Chuckin Apes)


So yeah, in a big part, it is the union's fault.


Get over yourself. Go find a job that pays what you're worth. Like 1/4th what a UAW wage nets.




Back on topic: godspeed Henderson. Now, bring in the outsider.

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Like Rick Wagoner's 74K per year year until he dies and his 8.2 million dollar payout for leaving. Must be nice....


Yes, saddly severance pay and golden parachutes are the way of the corporate world. As a business you might as well just write it down as a fixed expense, because it happens. Unions, however, are not a part of every corporation, and can be easily remedied...

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