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Bike insurance BS, plz help inside...


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i had a broker run quotes everywhere, and cheapest i found was like 900/yr liability on a 1997 vmax (cruiser) ...was nearly 300 a MONTH for a liter bike


Damn, I've had progressive on 3 bikes, always full coverage and the most I paid on a liter bike 3 years ago when I was 20 was like $400/year. The last bike I had this past summer was a 600 and liability was $160/year.


Did you try progressive? I always do their online thing and its always spot on.

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Guest tbutera2112

i had a broker run my quotes, and progressive is the rates listed above


you dont have my driving record


thats also 100/300 coverage, state minimum is the worst idea EVER...mines 100k personal injury per person up to 300k per accident


gotta cover my ass, thats what insurance is for

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Little late to the question, but some insurance companys bank on you not driving so much in the winter. For them it is balancing the higher liability in the summer months with the lower liabaility in the winter months. Otherwise you would pay probably 50% more in the summer and 50% less in the winter. So if you cancel the policy for just the winter and want to restart it in the spring, you are taking away the monthe where they plan on making money off of you. Hope this helps.
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Mine is $1,100 for a year of Liability. You can only imagine what full coverage is. Anything over 1,000cc's is a "superbike", assholes. Plus there is a price break for insurance on bikes at 22 I believe.


To bad you didn't have USAA under the old policy. I paid $400 a year for full coverage on mine... :bangbang:

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I think USAA outsources their shit to Progressive. Click "motorcycle insurance" on the USAA site, and it sends you to Progressive.


It does now but if you had a bike with them before Sept 03, you can still get a motorcycle policy with USAA. I pay a little over $500 down here in Texas with USAA, Progressive (there current outsource policies) wanted $2,600 for 6-months... :bs:


If you can't get the old USAA coverage, State Farm is the only place I've found that can even get close. Even then you've got to switch your vehicles over to get the discounted rates... :(

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