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You gotta wonder about China...


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Even though I am a capitalist by nature and by choice, I always wondered about China. Sticking to it's Communist roots, and an alarming growth in population and wealth, is not a good combination for the U.S.


It will be interesting to see how things pan out over the next few years, as they are apparently getting bolder from an economic standpoint. I would worry about any companies that outsource manufacturing/service to them...



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Well, we'll pass massive economic sanctions, ignite a rapid insourcing frenzy, then our nation will collapse on itself and world war will break out. I'm pretty sure they're only doing it so they can base a Call of Duty game on it.
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Well, we'll pass massive economic sanctions, ignite a rapid insourcing frenzy, then our nation will collapse on itself and world war will break out. I'm pretty sure they're only doing it so they can base a Call of Duty game on it.




as long as i get to shoot the chinamen and dont have to play as one. That would ruin it for me, just like having to play a terrorist in the newest one ruined it.

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Funny. China is one of our largest Credit Lenders.




...aaaaand one of the SCARIEST facts today. China owns nearly a quarter of our national debt. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_public_debt


People think that China needs American ingenuity and consumer base to survive, but because of even greater government subsidies and even ownership of many industries, their economy leapfrogged our own last year.

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And where would they sell their stuff without the US?


I agree with reducing our dependency on China for production. China-mart pwns us. If only Klinton didn't ban so much of the good Chinese stuff we'd have cheap AKs and nearly free ammo. Never again.

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Thanks for covering the little china wang.


Oh, and maybe I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure China would still be occupied by Japan if it weren't for the US. How's that working out for ya?


Its a she, so no wang. Thats also Vietnam not China.


The "America is better than everyone else and if it wasn't for America the world would be run by communistic Nazi's" is part of the problem.

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Um, I'm pretty sure that China was invaded and occupied by Japan in WW2 Unless there's a giant conspiracy, in which case it must be the US .govt's fault (as everything "is"). We helped China before we even entered the war, and then pwned the hell out of Japan. You're welcome.


Then the ungrateful turds turned communist, and backed our enemies in Korea and Vietnam. Thanks a bunch guys.:bangbang:

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One thing to consider when looking at the Chinese economy is the fact that they have been manipulating thier currency for years to increase exports and when they do finally adjust it both them and us will feel the effects. Also, imo, China is trying to keep a communist party in control nationally while giving more independant/quasi-democratic conrol on a local level and on a business level and I don't think being half-communist can work. Of course this is all being typed by a Chinese (the country) hating round eye so what do I know.
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One thing to consider when looking at the Chinese economy is the fact that they have been manipulating thier currency for years to increase exports and when they do finally adjust it both them and us will feel the effects. Also, imo, China is trying to keep a communist party in control nationally while giving more independant/quasi-democratic conrol on a local level and on a business level and I don't think being half-communist can work. Of course this is all being typed by a Chinese (the country) hating round eye so what do I know.

No, you've pretty much hit it on the head.

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Awesome how China pretty much owns this country. I am going to Vances to stock up for the invasion.


Invasion? China just does not have the military technology/superiority to fight a war with the US. Then again, there's so damn many of them they could all get in rowboats and row the fuck here. :p

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