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Guest tbutera2112
This thread has potential. Oh Tyler sucks ass by the way.


lol he thinks youre serious too..he told me in a PM that everyone in this thread is telling me how much they hate me


but dont lie, you were scopin the pacakge that night i stalked you at sunoco....i like a little asian zing ;) long as you let me drive the evo

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Guest JCroz91
lol he thinks youre serious too..he told me in a PM that everyone in this thread is telling me how much they hate me


but dont lie, you were scopin the pacakge that night i stalked you at sunoco....i like a little asian zing ;) long as you let me drive the evo


did i really? i dont think i did. i said a few.

seriously... ur just pissing me the fuck off now. just shut ur fat ass mouth or i will shut it for u! you always commenting on my shit like u think ur higher up than me.. like ur a big deal. Nobody wants to hear your ignorant opinion. ur nothing. you will never be anything. you will never intimidate me nor scare me in any way. ur nothing but a low life ass dousche bag who talks shit to people you dont even know on the internet. your going to want to stfu before i come after you. cause iv for real had enough. ur joke are old and ur bs is exhausted. ur the only person on this earth that thinks your cool. drop it! you dont know me... you know nothing about me... the things iv done or people i know. which shows your ignorance cause your trying to talk shit to me like im going to just let it go and back down to you. its not going to happen. i dont talk shit out like that. ask people that know me if you think im lieing. it was over and you just keep going. your making this a bigger deal than it needs to be and im to the point where i really dont give a fuck anymore. the bottom line is stop talking or ill end this myself. let this go right now. dont even reply to this message. any thread i make dont comment in, idc if you have the perfect answer to my question. id rather just not have an answer than hear ur bitch ass mouth.


haha what has you so worked up? thanks for making this threat, i do beleive those are grounds to be banned, then i wont be able to comment on your threads anyways :)



you started this, i actually used to like ya....see what happens when you talk shit to people you dont know, they talk shit back...sorry you couldnt take it, maybe you should have never started



lmao ok go tell on me like the bitch you are. i didnt start shit. r u being serious? i didnt say shit to you. you just came after me. trying to see how far u can pick at me and you think your going to get away with it. its not going to happpen. thats all im saying... keep picking and your going to get ur ass beat plain and simple.



post 35





I honestly could care less if i was Banned from CR. lol really. ur just a tool like some of thoes dudes even say in your thread. how are you going to pick and pick and pick at someone then get pissed at them for comming back at u and try to ban them? really?


that thread about me was a joke...me and brian are cool as hell...thats what makes it funny is that youre the only one in there who didnt realize it was a joke


and dude, if you picked back i wouldnt care...people talk shit about me all the time...go post a pic of a wrecked mustang and see how many people open their mouthes lol


this is CR, this whole site is just people talking BS...you need to get some thicker skin....i dish it out, and i take it...


im not pissed at you, like ive told you, this is just the internet, i have nothing against anyone on CR including you, but im not gonna go outta my way to kiss your ass lol because i really dont give a fuck


none of this matters to me, so pissed isnt the right word...entertained works better


when i said your thread i ment the thread "are you..."






how are you going to tell me to chill when your over there tryin to make me look bad for defending myself? like im the bad dude when u admittedly just fuck w. me to piss me off! i wont chill till this is all over



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Guest tbutera2112
haha for not giving a fuck if you get banned, youre trying awfully hard to backpedal...hell, a few people have been reading this convo all day as it went through, i dont care that you posted it...just shows how much of a whiney douche you really are lol if you havent caught on already, i dont give a fuck, and im not afraid of you so bullying me around wont do anything for ya...i dont play the whole e-thuggery BS
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Guest JCroz91
DUDE! Do a wheelie on his FACE!


im not doing anything but correcting his over exageration.


and i didnt post the convo to use it against you. i just posted it to prove my point that all i am doing is defending myself.


im done posting in the thread cause its just going to get blown out of proportion

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Guest tbutera2112
dude...go back to your PM box, and click the most recent PM from me, and then scroll down and look at the picture again, and then realize that i really dont give a fuck lol
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Guest JCroz91
dude...go back to your PM box, and click the most recent PM from me, and then scroll down and look at the picture again, and then realize that i really dont give a fuck lol


cant see it im at work

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