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What happened to the good ol' Days of CR?


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First, Coltboostin is legendary. He probably went from one of - if not THE most hated person on CR - to a fairly well respected member, especially by those who have met him in person. For some interesting reads, go to the archives and check out the threads from a few years ago - anytime JP posted it was like throwing gasoline on a fire.


Second, I've admittedly been largely absent from CR and the scene lately. There are probably a few reasons for that: I've been exceptionally busy with my work and I don't really have a car to speak of. Since I don't frequent CR much nowadays, I can't speak to the quality of the site, but my sense is that some people aren't happy with the direction it's taken. That's nothing new - regardless of what's going on, someone, somewhere, will be on a keyboard bitching about something wrong with CR. :)


Third, I'll readily admit that I very much miss those "old days." So, yeah, I'm with you JP, though I'm not sure I can do much to change things at this point. Text me when you're next in town, though - we'll go hit up a club or six.


Fourth, my cheekbones are the hotness and my hair still looks great. Some things nevaaaar change.... :)

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Battle of the slow hatches?


I will race in at least 1 this year, and try to attend most of them.

Okay, but I have a few demands.


1. You have to put on a blindfold

2. You must start outside of the car with the blindfold on and make your way to your car

3. Start in 2nd gear


If you meet these conditions, it'll be a fair race, me thinks. Remember, 2.0t > grocery getter

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I missed alot without having a car last summer. Now my car is runnin, I will be ready for this year. I moved into a bigger house with more land so if you guys stop by, we can do all kinds of retarded stuff. I was actually thinking about taking my car out today to mess around with it and run some of the gas out.


around the freeway tonight? text me ill follow closely in the right of left lane and when ones horn is sounded 3 times we shall both accelerate until the other one is too far ahead to reel the other in k thanks text me

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What happened to the days of Daily Racing? Spring, Summer, Winter, snowstrom, on foot, didnt fucking matter someone was racing.


I miss the days when I could stroll into town and be garunteed a race, and a blow job froma random campus skank- all in the same night.


I miss Tilley, with his Chizzled features and high cheekbones, his mini blowout/fo-hawk stiff as a board like he was auditioning for Jersey shore. first, conquring all in his mythical Vette, then turned into a Spinning tires IPS powrered time bomb ZO6. Dont forget to bring the fire extignusher.



I miss Sam, hitting Golf balls out of his front yard at oncoming traffic without a care in the world, skanks gallor. His side 110lbs kick Sonny talking shit to anyone that did not look like they belong to his local KKK group-he is whipped by the pussy that he once counqured


I miss riding/driving Cavin's cars, hitting on his mom, and encouraging him to make bad desicions in cars he should not have been driving int he first place. Now, he just eats his mom's cookies and goes to school


I miss Linn-the swag to literally race everything withing his guido like vision, cars, skankes on high, bikes, and a squat of highway patrol on road and on foot. Now, he just hopes to not get caught driving at all by the man.


Shanton and the Party rock crew race no more, just parade around Campus in all glorious douchbaggery, with my aid breaking into houses and literally taking over the party. Now? "Real life"?!?!?!?



What happened to CR!:gtfo:


I have been hitting the gym allot, I havnt stopped racing at all....


A little more focused on school.





Shit son were all goin to Panama spring break come with. Thanks for the shout out on douchbaggery, Were more like assholes hthough lol

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CR didnt have anything to do with the death of street racing in Columbus. Stret racing was gone before CR even existed. Not sure how many of you remember or participated but there was real street racing in the 90's. What happened to CP? What happened to Westbelt? Peopple would come down from Detroit, Canada, PA, NJ, all over the place to race at CP.This is what spurred NMCA or NSCA. Spirro Pappas, Tony Christian, Pat Musi. All of those guys were involved in this. All of those guys came from this era of street racing. Back then it was lets just see how fast we can make it and go take some peoples money. I dont know how many times I seen cars being unloaded from enclosed trailers on the side of 270. We would shut down 270 at times for this and there would be 300 people out there watching 8 second street cars. Dont get me wrong it was super unsafe, the cars were super unsafe and the CPD helicopter and seemed like the entire CPD would bust it up from time to time. Anyways those were the days ahhh. But all that was gone pretty much before CR. I have to say I have only seen a handful of exciting races since then. Then came Fast n Furious and the squirrels went to town and stopped drag racing and decided to see how many times they can race 50 cars around 270 at 100 mph. Where did roll racing even come from anyways? If any of you race bikes and have been to a prostar event then Sat night Chaos is what street racing used to be in Columbus pretty much. Big money races and stupid fast cars. And most times (thanks to Sonny usually :)), if we were not racing then we were boxing.
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Lots of things happened. It was allot easier to pop off street races back in the day when fast was a 13. As we've gotten faster its made it more and more diffcult to play on the street with out really pushing the limits.


The police changed, How things are handled changed and some people do have ore to lose. But if anything its made me more gung ho about building my car. Now when I do go to the track I want to see improvement or atleast have a blast.


CR has grew up allot but its also the same people who love to race.

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CR didnt have anything to do with the death of street racing in Columbus. Stret racing was gone before CR even existed. Not sure how many of you remember or participated but there was real street racing in the 90's. What happened to CP? What happened to Westbelt? Peopple would come down from Detroit, Canada, PA, NJ, all over the place to race at CP.This is what spurred NMCA or NSCA. Spirro Pappas, Tony Christian, Pat Musi. All of those guys were involved in this. All of those guys came from this era of street racing. Back then it was lets just see how fast we can make it and go take some peoples money. I dont know how many times I seen cars being unloaded from enclosed trailers on the side of 270. We would shut down 270 at times for this and there would be 300 people out there watching 8 second street cars. Dont get me wrong it was super unsafe, the cars were super unsafe and the CPD helicopter and seemed like the entire CPD would bust it up from time to time. Anyways those were the days ahhh. But all that was gone pretty much before CR. I have to say I have only seen a handful of exciting races since then. Then came Fast n Furious and the squirrels went to town and stopped drag racing and decided to see how many times they can race 50 cars around 270 at 100 mph. Where did roll racing even come from anyways? If any of you race bikes and have been to a prostar event then Sat night Chaos is what street racing used to be in Columbus pretty much. Big money races and stupid fast cars. And most times (thanks to Sonny usually :)), if we were not racing then we were boxing.



I remember these days... after CP things moved to Sam's Club.





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