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This guys balls are bigger and thougher than yours

Trouble Maker

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Seems reasonable. How do you know this much about this shit?


1) I'm a little bit of a space nerd and nerd in general.

2) Lots of schooling and other reading, and I really don't know that much.


I took advanced physics in mechanics and E&M in high school. I have my undergrad in electrical engineering, which requires quite a bit of physics, but I feel I have an aptitude leaning more towards mechanical engineering and physics. I almost got a 'secondary' degree in Physics, but would have had to take too many classes at home in the summer to get out in 4 years so I opted to do a minor. Looking back I still wish I could have somehow stayed in long enough to also get an ME degree and finish my secondary physics degree. Would have probably needed 2 more years though and that wasn't realistic at the time.

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when he initially jumps and accelerates towards the high speeds, will his body even be able to comprehend how fast he is traveling since he will feel little to no resistance from drag?


He will feel almost nothing, not just from the drag but from no reference points of visual or physical contact. Close your eyes in a constantly moving (newer, smooth) elevator and see if you can tell if you are moving down or up, or moving at all. Same thing only on a much larger scale. We don't feel the earth rotating or moving through space. The video I posted about Kittinger he talks about not being able to tell if he was moving or not. Then he goes back down and sees the balloon rushing away from him and his first instinct was he thought it was moving up. Then rational thought kicked in and he realized it was him rushing down away from the balloon.

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Has anyone on here ever jumped off anything that required a shoot?


I came close, we planned on going but time did not permit us to go skydiving. My dad used to skydive all the time when I was younger. I remember going to the airport, watching the plane take off and then you would see the people jumping out of it and watch them coming down. Once they come close enough to the ground I was able to make out where my dad was because I recognized his chute.


One day I will do it too. I would not pass on the opportunity to do what this guy is doing, I would probably have to wear a diaper though. Going up is what would be the worst part for me, but once I made the leap I think it would just be incredible.

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Wow, a few reactions to this thread:


1. That's just absolutely insane. I'm getting weirded out thinking about what it must be like rising up above the fucking EARTH in a fucking balloon, let alone jumping out and heading back down. The videos of him look so surreal it's almost creepy.


2. Jesse, mad props for the informational, well-written posts. I'm getting my learn on reading your shit. :cool:

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I'd do it


I was kind of thinking the same thing. Shit, once you're 100ft off the ground, you might as well go the rest of the way. Death is death.


X3 So you skydive from what 6-7,000 feet? Might as well get the most bang for your buck and go up another 193,500 feet. :lol: a 5 minute freefall reaching speeds of over 700 mph! :eek: that's just crazy.

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Has anyone on here ever jumped off anything that required a shoot?


Went sky diving in Cali outside of LA. Pretty famous place called Paris Sky Diving. It was amazing!


When I have more time/money, mainly money, it's something I'm going to get into. I have dreams about doing some BASE jumps.


Let's do it Jones!

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I'm getting weirded out thinking about what it must be like rising up above the fucking EARTH in a fucking balloon


No shit, I feel I have a pretty good psychological constitution but I can't imagine waiting for an hour and a half while the balloon is rising.


Jesse, mad props for the informational, well-written posts. I'm getting my learn on reading your shit. :cool:


Not a problem. I'm just glad someone actually read all of what I posted. :cool:

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