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How long have you stayed awake?


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well i hate to admit,but back in my younger days when i was a cokehead idiot.. i stayed up for 4 days straight till my body finally said fuck you and shut down lol...i slept for 19 hours lol...the last couple years help'n my buddy plow snow at menards and lowes,plus my all of my accounts, ive seen a few 36 hour days...

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Maybe 24 hours once while in college: Pulled a double at Applebee's, packed and left for vacation around 2am. I took the first shift driving but could only hang for about an hour and a half before I started hallucinating and drifting off the road. I never have been good at staying up late.....

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I got a 6hr break from work yesterday evening.
Lightweigts. Come work on the railroad and then we'll talk

:D That's standard operating procedure on the railroad if you're on call. I spent 2 1/2 years livin' on call like that. They work you 15-20 hours sometimes by the time you get off the engines when the cab finally shows up, and you get back to your home terminal. If you're lucky, you can squeeze a catnap in while waiting, or in the cab. That's one thing the railroad taught me......How to sleep anywhere....anytime ;) Then you go home, sleep for about 6 hours, provided you don't try to stay up & do something around the house or actually see your kids, and they call you right back in to do it all over again......day after day, week after week. Wears you down in pretty short order. A month on the railroad flies by in what seems like a week

There were several times though, where I worked 15-20 hours, came home for a quick catnap, or just got right on the bike, & we went riding. I can tell you though.....Experience has taught me that's not a good thing for me to do. Had my accident on one of those days, when I had worked 19 hours the night before, then came home & decided to ride to Toledo to take my mom to lunch for Mother's Day. Her comin' to pick me up with cops, fire & EMT all around me, while my old Yami was layin' across the street at the foot of a Virgin Mary statue is a gift I'm sure she'll never forget :rolleyes:

Worked one night, got off, took a catnap on the bench in the crewroom 'til Sam got there, then we took off to ride/escort the traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall that afternoon. Took another catnap on the parking lot next to our bikes, until we were actually ready to start escorting it

Then there was my first time offroading on the 'Bird after I'd had her a couple months. Had been up all night before workin'. Stayed up cause we were comin' down to QSL that night, and didn't wanna waste my day takin' a nap :nono: Was bein' a dumba$$, showin' off my new bike to one of the guys with us, flew into a curve about 85mph, couldn't hold my line, panicked, hit the brakes 'til I got on the gravel, then released and came up on the pegs, leaning over the front end & tried to ride my bull for 8 seconds while in a drainage ditch slaloming those stupid gasline marker poles. Good times.....Good times!! ;)

Soooooo......Long story short......I don't like to ride tired anymore. Baaaad things happen :cool:

Between the railroad & college, I think I've done 36 hours several times

I hate staying up that long; it does some messed up stuff to your body.

Yeah....My stomach starts gettin' upset & I get a bit jittery around the 25-30 mark

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:D That's standard operating procedure on the railroad if you're on call. I spent 2 1/2 years livin' on call like that. They work you 15-20 hours sometimes by the time you get off the engines when the cab finally shows up, and you get back to your home terminal. If you're lucky, you can squeeze a catnap in while waiting, or in the cab. That's one thing the railroad taught me......How to sleep anywhere....anytime ;) Then you go home, sleep for about 6 hours, provided you don't try to stay up & do something around the house or actually see your kids, and they call you right back in to do it all over again......day after day, week after week. Wears you down in pretty short order. A month on the railroad flies by in what seems like a week

There were several times though, where I worked 15-20 hours, came home for a quick catnap, or just got right on the bike, & we went riding. I can tell you though.....Experience has taught me that's not a good thing for me to do. Had my accident on one of those days, when I had worked 19 hours the night before, then came home & decided to ride to Toledo to take my mom to lunch for Mother's Day. Her comin' to pick me up with cops, fire & EMT all around me, while my old Yami was layin' across the street at the foot of a Virgin Mary statue is a gift I'm sure she'll never forget :rolleyes:

Worked one night, got off, took a catnap on the bench in the crewroom 'til Sam got there, then we took off to ride/escort the traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall that afternoon. Took another catnap on the parking lot next to our bikes, until we were actually ready to start escorting it

Then there was my first time offroading on the 'Bird after I'd had her a couple months. Had been up all night before workin'. Stayed up cause we were comin' down to QSL that night, and didn't wanna waste my day takin' a nap :nono: Was bein' a dumba$$, showin' off my new bike to one of the guys with us, flew into a curve about 85mph, couldn't hold my line, panicked, hit the brakes 'til I got on the gravel, then released and came up on the pegs, leaning over the front end & tried to ride my bull for 8 seconds while in a drainage ditch slaloming those stupid gasline marker poles. Good times.....Good times!! ;)

Soooooo......Long story short......I don't like to ride tired anymore. Baaaad things happen :cool:

Between the railroad & college, I think I've done 36 hours several times

Yeah....My stomach starts gettin' upset & I get a bit jittery around the 25-30 mark

eat some biscuits and gravy and get back after it!!!
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From Monday at 5:00AM to Wed at 10:00PM. All working in sulfur pit from HELL.

Worked at the BP refinery in Lima.. We had contracted to clean out the Sulfur pit. Was a tunnel that was 50 feet long and 8 foot tall. My employer contracted it would be done by Thurs. Got down there and realized the tunnel was WAY worse then expected. an 8 foot tall tunnel was only 3. To be able to work in that 160 degree tunnel, you had to wear about everything a firefighter does. Oxygen tank and all with arms and legs taped sealed.Then, work with a jackhammer on your knees and waterblast away with the 40k. Was the worst 3 days of my life and I must have lost 30lbs.

But just like Harry Stamper.. We DID make the mark on time.. :D

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Kos... I dont know what the fuck that thing is but I want one.. gadgets for the win.

Well thats a xray beamline in Argonne National Lab. We shoot protein xtals with superbright xrays to resolve their atomic structure.

Seriously the wow factor in these synchrtron facilities are just next to NASA like Kennedy or Johnson facilities.....here are some picture links..


http://www.lightsources.org/imagebank/search_public.php?offset=0&keywords=&lab=APS&limit=5 (couple of pages)

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Back in March -Friday 8am to Sunday 10am. (Insert 2 hour nap Saturday from 9 to 11am).

Lifeline Of Ohio was running a 3 for one special for organs. I had 3 donors come in at different times on my on-call weekend, 8 hours of testing each.

When I finally went to sleep Sunday I could not maintain body temp and had head to toe body aches. Lack of sleep has some wicked side effects.

Suck factor of 10.

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5 days with about 2 hours of sleep a day. Once or twice a month for 2 years.

That's the third of a month for two years,,,,,yeah...I guess that's insane...and I guess that 22 hours is also way challenging than, no offense what most of us experience.....kudos to ya....

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That's the third of a month for two years,,,,,yeah...I guess that's insane...and I guess that 22 hours is also way challenging than, no offense what most of us experience.....kudos to ya....

After every stint in the wire, we would get a 96+ hour leave. I would get off of duty and drive about 10 hours back to C-Bus. you know to drink and Skank snipe.

oh to be young again.

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I did 4 or 5 days in a row of partying and slinging burgers at Jamboree in the Hills a couple years ago with Blake1221 and Gump. We stayed open all night and got a 2 hour nap every day between 8 and 10 am. By 10 the tents were about 100 degrees inside and I woke up covered in sweat (mostly beer and whiskey) every morning.

Good times......


Break time


The Kitchen.......fun at parties



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I did 4 or 5 days in a row of partying and slinging burgers at Jamboree in the Hills a couple years ago with Blake1221 and Gump. We stayed open all night and got a 2 hour nap every day between 8 and 10 am. By 10 the tents were about 100 degrees inside and I woke up covered in sweat (mostly beer and whiskey) every morning.

Good times......


Break time


The Kitchen.......fun at parties



Why are my eyes ALWAYS red in your pics?!! You need a new camera. Those were good times.....almost brought a tear :coffee:

Remember the "snake" in the shitter?!!! Damn i thought that chick was hott tho HAHAHAHAHA

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