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On a second note... BRING DA AMBALAMPS... LMFAO


I want to get into a fight just so I can say that! That and, "He's leaking!" WTF is he a broke faucet :lol: I love how he was all hard core and then he sat there talking about killing someone and asking for an ambalamps at the same time.


Side note: I bet the older gentleman had to wait like 45 minutes for another bus.. I dont think that was his stop.

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I want to get into a fight just so I can say that! That and, "He's leaking!" WTF is he a broke faucet :lol: I love how he was all hard core and then he sat there talking about killing someone and asking for an ambalamps at the same time.


Side note: I bet the older gentleman had to wait like 45 minutes for another bus.. I dont think that was his stop.


He's leaking... LOL... He also said "AMA KICK HIS ASS NEXT TIME"

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Comeon it is clearly an old senile guy just look at what his shirt says. In case you have never been close to someone who is old and losing your mind these people sometimes do stuff they normally would not do. On top of that he is an old man. Old men are super set in their ways. Even more so with verbal prejudice. The best thing to do is walk away or not say anything. Yes it is wrong the white guy started it but the black guy should of stayed in the back of the bus and ignored him. And also the black guy swung his fist first so he asked for a fight.
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Comeon it is clearly an old senile guy just look at what his shirt says. In case you have never been close to someone who is old and losing your mind these people sometimes do stuff they normally would not do. On top of that he is an old man. Old men are super set in their ways. Even more so with verbal prejudice. The best thing to do is walk away or not say anything. Yes it is wrong the white guy started it but the black guy should of stayed in the back of the bus and ignored him. And also the black guy swung his fist first so he asked for a fight.


That sir, is racist. :p

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