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CR Fight Night....


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i 'bitched' out tonight, sorry guys. Today started off bad, had a hellacious migraine all day, tried to sleep it off late afternoon, no go, plus we had the little one, so I had to pass. If this happens again i'd like to try it again. congrats to all that went, sounds likea good time.
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I think the fight between Cody and Pat (one of the gym members) was the best.the went all out..


So thanks to everyone who came out to watch and fight. We had a great turn out. There is video out there so its only a matter of time before its posted.

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I think the fight between Cody and Pat (one of the gym members) was the best.the went all out..


So thanks to everyone who came out to watch and fight. We had a great turn out. There is video out there so its only a matter of time before its posted.


Haha it was a blast! Tell him if he ever wants to come up to lancaster and learn some Jiu-jitsu I'd love to have him!


He was a real cool guy. We got to slug it out, and we came out friends. Thats what's important

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It was a good time. I actually feel pretty damn good this morning. My left elbow is a bit sore and I think I pulled my left titty muscle a bit. lol My lungs were the worse afterwards. I hadn't done a thing up till the day of boxing, so I figured, why stop smoking now? haha I know I'm not used to having to face someone who's actually a good 45lbs heavier than me. Now, I know how it feels when someone hits me. It's like punching an elephant. :p


They wouldn't let us big boys hit to the head but it was still fun. Speaking of big boys, where the hell were all of you?


Get the vids up, Alex, so we can get the teasing out of the way from we tripping and falling on my ass.

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Get the vids up, Alex, so we can get the teasing out of the way from we tripping and falling on my ass.

Lol i did the same thing, you missed it. Shoe came off and I fell flat on my ass.. even the instructor got a good laugh out of it. Hopefully that doesnt make the vid **hint hint alex**

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WOW I am bad :( Carter is freaking tough and my jaw is sore today lol.



Thanks Chris for setting this up it was a ton of fun and I think a few of us are going to try and keep coming up on saturdays.


I had a headache so bad last night. On two seperate occasions you knocked my headgear almost sideways. Even with the headache and what felt like my lung collasping I would definitely do it again!!!

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WOW I am bad :( Carter is freaking tough and my jaw is sore today lol.



Thanks Chris for setting this up it was a ton of fun and I think a few of us are going to try and keep coming up on saturdays.



I had a headache so bad last night. On two seperate occasions you knocked my headgear almost sideways. Even with the headache and what felt like my lung collasping I would definitely do it again!!!



I felt fine, I'm not sure whats wrong with you guys! :p

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I have vids but I know Alex will have better vids so I'll hold off on posting mine.


I just slept for like 10 hours lol! Chris, how much is a membership?


Not sure, Mine is $50, but I also joined a year ago when they only had a dozen or so members. the price may have gone up or down a bit. So count on $50-$70...

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