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i bought these a few weeks ago


Have only had a chance to ride in them a few times but i love them so far. There even comortable to walk around in. Don't look like they offer the same protection that some of the others do though.

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dmanit damnit.. just got back from the pony, they donteven have the joe rocket super street boots in stock .. they said they can order them, but why do i want to order a pair of shoes i dont even know what size i wear in them. i tried some other joe rocket boots on, and got on the r6 they have sitting near by.. i can barely get my foot underneath the shifter, and where the heel is on them it puts my foot in an uncomfortable position for riding.

im assuming the super street boots will be the same.. so im gonna have to x them out.

i tired on the sidi street burners as well.. and i must say they are overpriced for the level of protection. plus they ave a pressure point on my foot that hurts just standing in them.

this sucks.. i thought i had it pinned down to the joe rockets

i tried every pair of boots on in there today..

the only pair i actually like comfort wise are the alpine star smx1.

i just dont know if its good enough protection.

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i have the sidi vertigos, the streetburners are bascially a shorter version of them, they are the most comfortable things i have ever worn, i would wear them as shoes everyday if they moved like regular shoes. I have icon boots, i hate icon, i bought them on sale a few years ago, i wore them for one season, worked in them for a few months, and i have holes in them, thin leather, no hard parts, but still heavy, i never trusted them, icon=overpriced parking lot stunting shit

just look at all the hardware on the sidis! sidis have saved my legs twice already

I have had a pair of Icon chukkas (lower version of the field armors) for about 3 years now and I am due for a new pair because the tread on the sole is finally worn out. They are big but they are comfortable and they breath well. I wore them all day when I worked at a bike shop and no problems. I never had to try them out against the pavement tho. Leather seems pretty thick with reinforced ankle/heel area. I would say you get what you pay for. I always hear great things about the Sidis. Go try some on somewhere. Only way to find out.

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