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So what are they planning to charge her with?

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They handed it to her. These days folk are strapped for cash, not hard to beleive that she'd keep it. Plus if she's eating at Taco Bell, you know she makes poor life choices:



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If they are stupid enough to do it...then she should keep it.Horrible policy the manager has.


It's actually not a bad idea at all, when you consider how many managers get shot when leaving with deposits.

The key is to not rely on fucktards... which is tough at Taco Bell, because no one else applies for those jobs.

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Reminds me of when I worked at Kings Island. We used to have to walk our drawers to the money room and a guy staged a robbery. Their plan worked perfectly until one of their mothers caught them counting stacks of money in their bedroom a couple days later and turned them in. :D

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I couldn't be so lucky. I'm still pissed I missed that Garda truck money spill.


I would have left there, went to Best Buy bought two EVOs and paid a couple bills. Back to work.

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Police contacted a regular customer who was in line behind the SUV. He said he could not remember the license plate on the SUV.


what the fuck? so not only is this dude a regular customer, but the employees know how to contact him so the cops can talk to him?


how can you eat at taco bell that often?

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