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Dad closing up shop after 40+ years.


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I was talking with my dad today and I told him about this. He grew up on Karl Drive, which is right off of Harding. He remembers going there in his 70' Road Runner and getting $2 worth of gas to cruise Maple. This was back in 71-72. Thought I'd share.


Sweet. I am VERY familiar with Karl. I got my second moving violation when I was 17 sliding a V8 S10 sideways off Karl and onto Harding... in front a female ZPD. :) . The cop pulled me over in the (at that time) Bonded gas station parking lot. Of course Dad was working at the time and stood out in his lot clapping for me as I was getting out of the truck.


We also took almost all of our test drives after fixing cars up side roads off Harding.




I am sorry to hear about this, but I agree there hasnt been any real service stations for a long time. I am happy to hear your father has been able to hold on as long as he has. One of my co-workers has a similar story as you and your father but his father passed away before he was able to retire(30 plus years as an owner). It is people like your father that was able to help so many people over the years and I am thankful for those types.


Thanks. I watched him send sooooo many people down the road free-of-charge after changing their spare tires, checking cars out for old ladies, and 100 other things. If he had been all about the money, he could have made so much more off people (and still come off as cheap compared to dealerships).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, it is over. We caution-taped all of the pumps tonight, and I just spent 2 hours telling stories about this place to the last remaining employee. I just took down the price sign numbers and decided to sit around and take in the place for a little bit by myself.


Spent from Wednesday lunch time until today dismantling everything worth taking. Had 300+ people come and say their well-wishes over that time.


Sad and happy all at the same time.



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you don't have to say but I'm betting BP ran him out of business they don't like non-corporate stores or service stations...


I never got to make it over there but if its like the sohio/bp that was up the street from me when I was kid it was a fun place to just hang out

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BP wasn't great to deal with, but the real issue wasn't with them. In a nutshell, dad rented the corner lot from a local oil company, who leased it from a local group of realtors. So, you have dad, land owners, franchise group, and BP. Too many hands in the pot, and not enough dough to go around.


The place will either be turned into a full store like a Duke and Duchess, or --my guess-- it will be leveled since the building is from the 50's, so it has older wiring and mechanicals.

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  • 2 months later...

I figure enough time has passed now.


I don't give a shit about the companies involved, and Dad is well into his bigger and better job.


The real final blow to this was *a local Oil company*. They came to Dad and told him that either a) he paid for a $12,000 pump credit card upgrade by himself, of b) get the fuck out.


Wasnt a tough choice.


I am sure you'll see some Middle-Eastern group in there soon.

Edited by nurkvinny
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I figure enough time has passed now.


I don't give a shit about the companies involved, and Dad is well into his bigger and better job.


The real final blow to this was *a local oil company*. They came to Dad and told him that either a) he paid for a $12,000 pump credit card upgrade by himself, of b) get the fuck out.


Wasnt a tough choice.


I am sure you'll see some Middle-Eastern group in there soon.


So it was required by law to have a credit card pump?


What the fuck is that shit. I can think of a dozen pumps between here and Bucyrus ohio that dont have credit card pumps.

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So it was required by law to have a credit card pump?


What the fuck is that shit. I can think of a dozen pumps between here and Bucyrus ohio that dont have credit card pumps.


It wasn't to add pay at the pump, it was to upgrade the card machines. A little known part of all the credit card law changes included a mandate to change to more anti-hacker card machines.


It was in the contract (that both parties let lapse) that the oil company would pay for any maintenance and upgrades to the pumps.


They weren't willing to spend a dime; they forced it on him. Just wasn't worth it to him.

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  • 4 months later...

seems weird seeing it vacant,I was one of those who enjoyd the hangout for years,hope your dad enjoys his retirement.

we had many a nite in that parking lot razing each other and racing the street of maple ave after hours.good times indeed.

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seems weird seeing it vacant,I was one of those who enjoyd the hangout for years,hope your dad enjoys his retirement.

we had many a nite in that parking lot razing each other and racing the street of maple ave after hours.good times indeed.


Yep, I'll have to upload all the races, titty flashes, sandbagging, and funny videos I took there over the years.


Can't imagine how many hours I spent watching Maple traffic go by.

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