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Arizona: "Fuck me? No. Fuck you!"


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If Los Angeles wants to boycott Arizona, it had better get used to reading by candlelight.

That's the message from a member of Arizona's top government utilities agency, who threw down the gauntlet Tuesday in a letter to Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa by threatening to cut off the city's power supply as retribution.

Gary Pierce, a commissioner on the five-member Arizona Corporation Commission, wrote the letter in response to the Los Angeles City Council's decision last week to boycott the Grand Canyon State -- in protest of its immigration law -- by suspending official travel there and ending future contracts with state businesses.

Noting that a quarter of Los Angeles' electricity comes from Arizona power plants, Pierce threatened to pull the plug if the City Council does not reconsider.

"Doggone it -- if you're going to boycott this candy store ... then don't come in for any of it," Pierce told FoxNews.com.


In the letter, he ridiculed Villaraigosa for saying that the point of the boycott was to "send a message" by severing the "resources and ties" they share.

"I received your message; please receive mine. As a statewide elected member of the Arizona Corporation Commission overseeing Arizona's electric and water utilities, I too am keenly aware of the 'resources and ties' we share with the city of Los Angeles," Pierce wrote.

"If an economic boycott is truly what you desire, I will be happy to encourage Arizona utilities to renegotiate your power agreements so Los Angeles no longer receives any power from Arizona-based generation."

Appearing to tap into local frustration in Arizona over the raft of boycotts and threatened boycotts from cities across the country, including Los Angeles, Pierce warned that Arizona companies are willing and ready to fight boycott with boycott.

"I am confident that Arizona's utilities would be happy to take those electrons off your hands," Pierce wrote. "If, however, you find that the City Council lacks the strength of its convictions to turn off the lights in Los Angeles and boycott Arizona power, please reconsider the wisdom of attempting to harm Arizona's economy."

Pierce told FoxNews.com that he was speaking for himself, not the entire commission, though he has the support of at least one other member. But Arizona has some serious leverage over Los Angeles, as well as the rest of California. The state and city get electricity from a nuclear power plant outside Phoenix, as well as from coal-fired power plants in northern Arizona and two giant hydroelectric power generators along the Colorado River.

Despite that, the Los Angeles City Council voted overwhelmingly last week to ban future business with Arizona -- a decision that could cost Arizona millions of dollars in lost contracts.

Los Angeles officials were furious with the Arizona immigration law passed last month and joined local officials in cities across the country in pushing boycotts to register their dismay. Critics say the law will lead to racial profiling and civil rights abuses.

Arizona officials have defended the law, saying the state needed to take its illegal immigration problem into its own hands. Pierce said he's "supportive" of the state's efforts to control the border.

The law requires local law enforcement to try to verify the immigration status of anyone they have contact with whom they suspect of being an illegal immigrant. It empowers them to turn over verified illegal immigrants to federal custody. The legislation explicitly prohibits screening people based solely on race or national origin.


:lol: Game. Set. Match.

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Guest tbutera2112

how so? LA didnt give a fuck about AZ's threat...


Despite that, the Los Angeles City Council voted overwhelmingly last week to ban future business with Arizona -- a decision that could cost Arizona millions of dollars in lost contracts.

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God Bless You Arizona!


I have many fond memories of going shopping as a kid in phoenix, very open-carry friendly.

Sitting in Mega/Apple foods, bagging up peppers as the guy next to us has a .45 stuff in his waistband.


Ah the good ol' days. lol


I think it's great that Arizona has the cajones to take a stand and fight back. If our whole country were like that we'd be in much better shape IMHO.

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how so? LA didnt give a fuck about AZ's threat...


Despite that, the Los Angeles City Council voted overwhelmingly last week to ban future business with Arizona -- a decision that could cost Arizona millions of dollars in lost contracts.


I'm sure they'll change their mind when the lights shut off.


I'm not saying any of this will come to fruition since it's just one guy making the statement, but I think it's hilarious that Arizona is giving an unofficial 'Fuck you' right back at them.

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God Bless You Arizona!


I have many fond memories of going shopping as a kid in phoenix, very open-carry friendly.

Sitting in Mega/Apple foods, bagging up peppers as the guy next to us has a .45 stuffed in his waistband.


Something about this post... has a lingering, hidden phallic/homosexual feel to it. Like the start of a some kind of scary, gay porn scene.



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+1 for Arizona!


For a while now Phoenix has had issues related to those that treat our boarder as if it didn't exist. Not only have they stepped up with a solution to the national problem, they just threw a big middle finger back at the city of Los Angeles. It makes me want to take the Boarder Patrol Station near Phoenix if all goes well.

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how so? LA didnt give a fuck about AZ's threat...


Despite that, the Los Angeles City Council voted overwhelmingly last week to ban future business with Arizona -- a decision that could cost Arizona millions of dollars in lost contracts.




I'm sure they can get power elsewhere.


Its Arizona, who will have problems finding new power customers (screwing themselves out of more money)


And you. Have missed the point.


And to you #1... LA's vote came FIRST. So, how do you know LA "doesn't give a fuck?"

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Yup. ENRON proved that.


not even that they already had brownout issues in the state. So lets say the AZ kills the power what is LA going to do tap into the existing CA power network adding 10 million people that the existing set could take out the state depending on how its currently setup. Buy power from someone else? Depending on what AZ utilities has setup they may own the lines all the way into LA and say fuck you you're not using our stuff run your own. That could take several years to setup and depending when the contact is up how badly will the be fucked and how many millions will they lose on a daily basis that the city doesn't have power.

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Hell yeah Arizona!! I agree they have balls which 49 other states in this country lack, about time shit changes. People wanted change, well they may be getting it.


Oh I am waiting on the "new civil war" talk to pop up

beat me to it

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Unfortunately the courts will keep the power rolling. If the long term contracts are not enough Obama baby can eminent domain his illegal buddies the electricity. You never know when an unscheduled maintenance issue might come up causing a shutdown though. Maybe just enough for them to get the message.
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OMG! what a douche... so what if this issue goes on for some time and during the NCAA football season the Buckeyes make a fiesta bowl trip? agreed get that fucktard out

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