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Damn, the cop boyfriend did it.


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I think they are going file a death penalty specification on this one. Prior calculation plus his capacity as a law enforcement official. They need to make an example out of him.

What's really messed up about this one is that he was married to a different woman and he killed his girlfriend. Additionally, his wife knew about the girlfriend. What more is there to be upset about?!?!?! Its not like she could threaten to tell his wife (even though that's not an excuse either). Its just too bad that the jury selection process is not on a first come basis or I'd camp out like they're giving away tickets for the Smashing Pumpkins.


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I think they are going file a death penalty specification on this one. Prior calculation plus his capacity as a law enforcement official. They need to make an example out of him.

What's really messed up about this one is that he was married to a different woman and he killed his girlfriend. Additionally, his wife knew about the girlfriend. What more is there to be upset about?!?!?! Its not like she could threaten to tell his wife (even though that's not an excuse either). Its just too bad that the jury selection process is not on a first come basis or I'd camp out like they're giving away tickets for the Smashing Pumpkins.


Very well put. My ass would be there camping with you.

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If he doesn't get the death penalty I would be very surprised. Given his position in the community it is almost a guarantee.

At first I was going to say he may not have done it and the whole innocent until proven guilty yada yada. But then I read that article linked in the first post. If he led them to the body than I guess you don't get more guilty than that.

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Arent you guys glad that they made killing a mother w an unborn baby a double murder instead of just one murder... they added that law last year I think and it will help get him that much closer to a needle... Dont anyone call me for jury duty because if I have anything to do with it i'd strap him to a table and give him paper cuts and vinegar baths until he bleeds to death...

Ominous laughing is heard from the basement of the Ohio Slow Death


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This whole matter sadens me. It just shows we are never safe no matter what, The people you are to trust are the ones in the shadows. What it this world comming to. Scares me to think I brought a child into this & myself alone will not make a differance, unfortunently society will have a bigger hold once she started school.

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