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Best supplements to take to lose weight

John Bruh

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Step 3


I woke up this moring early and decided after 1hr of not being able to fall asleep that I was going to do something about it. I went out and jogged/walked 2miles. About 50-50. I am really out of shape and want to accomplish running the full 2 miles.


Keep at it, you will get big gains at first if you do and 'running' 2 miles will happen sooner than you think!

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d4 is overpriced crap. and dont buy from gnc. get online and go somewhere thats wholesale. like bodybuilding.com, fitness one, supplements direct.

at least 20 ceaper just on hydroxy cut hardcore x. i used usp labs oxy elite. worked great.

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Since April 2008, I've lost 74 pounds. Most of it between April 2008 - September 2008. There are many combinations of eating and working out that will help you lose weight, but the common denominators are diet and exercise. Cleaner eating and regular strenuous exercise is what you need to do to lose or maintain your weight goals. I like to stress strenuous because I can't stand seeing people in the gym not working hard. Heavy people that need to lose the weight. I know it's not easy being the fat person in the gym, but if you want to get over that, you've got to put in the work. Not saying anyone here is fat, it's just a gym pet peeve of mine. :)


I started out my weight loss with a two pronged attack:


1. Low carb diet. Not quite Atkins, but very close to it. It really kicks your body into weight loss mode. After a month or two I started adding carbs back in. I also allowed myself one cheat meal a week. Like a burger and fries on the weekend. I literally ate a tone of eggs, cheese, meat, and vegetables. A good snack (which I still eat today) is sugar free Jello.


2. Lots of cardio. I know people will argue that you don't need cardio and you can get the same results with HIT or whatever and that's fine. But as an ice hockey player, I wanted to really get my heart rate up and build up some stamina for the ice. I do 30 minutes on the elliptical and 20 on the stationary bike. I used to think the elliptical was kind of gay for a younger guy to use (and it still might be, I never see anyone younger than me on it!), but when I started out, I was too heavy to run (ankles and knees were killing me), so my brother suggested the elliptical and the weight just started melting off of me. I also follow this up with some light strength training and ab work.


As far as supplements, when I have goal I'm trying to meet (like for vacation, or someone visiting, etc.) I'll do an ECA Stack. I actually only do the E and the C of it. But it really seems to help cut more weight and I get more trim. I average an extra pound a week of weight loss when I'm on the ECA stack. I don't do it for more than 2-3 weeks though. Gives me tons of energy as well.


Lastly, and I'm preaching now, only because I've been there and I know what it's like. And this goes out for anyone reading this who wants to make a change, not necessarily the OP. Losing weight and getting in better shape is a lifestyle change, NOT a "diet". You literally have to make the choice that you are going to live better and make more healthy choices in everything you do. I don't eat perfect, my diet is still my biggest issue because I love food. But I try to be moderate and eat well during the week and let loose during the weekend, or whatever. And your gym time has to become a part of your life. My workouts are literally part of my work day. I either get up and workout before work or on my way home. No question about it. If I miss my workout, I feel like shit about it. And that's good, that means I've made that change. :)


The only other thing I'm going to add, is that if you are serious about being in better shape and losing some weight, set goals for yourself. Don't say "I want to lose weight". Set a weight and a date and stick to it. Do what you need to do to hit it. Your life will be so much better because of it.


Sorry for the soapbox, but I enjoy talking about this subject because I finally made the choice to do something about it in my life and I know how to do it and stick to it! :D

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d4 is overpriced crap. and dont buy from gnc. get online and go somewhere thats wholesale. like bodybuilding.com, fitness one, supplements direct.

at least 20 ceaper just on hydroxy cut hardcore x. i used usp labs oxy elite. worked great.




so annoying when you walk in gnc, you get freaking hounded.


"buy 18 muscletech, get 3 free!"


"here, try one of our free samples"


no i dont want your free omega 3 sample lol... they like force it down your throat!

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Well it may seem small but I'm going to try to keep a log of everything that I do.


Yesterday Instead of going out and eating a burger and fries and completly filling myself up. I bought some lean pockets (220calories each) and I ate 4 of them during the day. one at 10 then 1 then 4 then 7. I'm still training my body when I eat that I don't need to stuff myself and eat untill I feel that I can't eat anymore.


And with the running, eating change, and the hydroxycut, I lost 1.4lbs. I hope I can keep this up (As I did not run today because I was sooooo sore). But I plan to run M-W-F to build up my stamina then make it daily after that.


I would like to try to lose at least 1lb per day to make a safe goal for myself.

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honestly dude.. a pound a day weight loss can not be safe.


eventually you are going to be so exhausted and drowned out.. keep working hard but try not to completely shy away from foods.. you need fat still and protein is your friend.




good articles all over bb.com.. just search :]

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And with the running, eating change, and the hydroxycut, I lost 1.4lbs. I hope I can keep this up (As I did not run today because I was sooooo sore). But I plan to run M-W-F to build up my stamina then make it daily after that.


I would like to try to lose at least 1lb per day to make a safe goal for myself.


You'll be sore at first!! Don't run if you are too sore, but running a little sore is actually good. Like I said earlier, just do what you can reasonable do and the stamina will come pretty quickly. Your muscles and lungs aren't used to this at all yet.


Like h22yo said, that is NOT safe! I've always heard 1lb/week is a good general idea. That's going to be different for everyone, but it's probably a good baseline. Just eat good and reasonable (i.e. also not too little) and exercise and you will see results.

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^ smart man


posted this earlier but will rewrite:


1 pound = 3500 calories so:

1-find your daily caloric needs (search it on google)

2-subtract 500 calories per day

3-7 days a week x 500 calorie deficit = 3500 calories, IE losing one pound a week.


you can multiply the daily deficit but any more than 1-3 pounds a week is probably going to be a struggle

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^ smart man


posted this earlier but will rewrite:


1 pound = 3500 calories so:

1-find your daily caloric needs (search it on google)

2-subtract 500 calories per day

3-7 days a week x 500 calorie deficit = 3500 calories, IE losing one pound a week.


you can multiply the daily deficit but any more than 1-3 pounds a week is probably going to be a struggle


I will keep all of this in mind, as I do want to lose the weight, but I want to do it the right way and not get any negative side affects. I want to be heatly, not the opposite!

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Yesterday Instead of going out and eating a burger and fries and completly filling myself up. I bought some lean pockets (220calories each) and I ate 4 of them during the day. one at 10 then 1 then 4 then 7. I'm still training my body when I eat that I don't need to stuff myself and eat untill I feel that I can't eat anymore.




This was my biggest problem ever. Once you can get it in your head and train your body that you dont ahve to eat a ton just eat a little and wait and see if you are still hungry is the best thing that will help you... I used to go out get a the quarter pund burger fries and a salad ) ya I know I love salad though) and eat it all feel full for huors so I did not eat but twice a day. Then I made it clear to myself if I just ate say half the burger or whatever at my meal cut out the fires and eat the salad also I still had half the burger or whatever my main corse was that I could eat for dinner insted of stuffing myself and skipping dinner all together. You will realise you eat far less if you can train yourself to do that. I used to order a meal at any fast food place plus say a extra double chesseburger etc and now I find myself ordering the same amount of food as my sister who only weighs 130.. So That makes me feel proud

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This was my biggest problem ever. Once you can get it in your head and train your body that you dont ahve to eat a ton just eat a little and wait and see if you are still hungry is the best thing that will help you... I used to go out get a the quarter pund burger fries and a salad ) ya I know I love salad though) and eat it all feel full for huors so I did not eat but twice a day. Then I made it clear to myself if I just ate say half the burger or whatever at my meal cut out the fires and eat the salad also I still had half the burger or whatever my main corse was that I could eat for dinner insted of stuffing myself and skipping dinner all together. You will realise you eat far less if you can train yourself to do that. I used to order a meal at any fast food place plus say a extra double chesseburger etc and now I find myself ordering the same amount of food as my sister who only weighs 130.. So That makes me feel proud


And you could eat less fast food and eat more real food. There's always that.

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And you could eat less fast food and eat more real food. There's always that.


FOR SURE.. I barely eat out anymore at all. I have been eating so many different kinds of chicken imaginable now with a ton or corn green beans and I ahve recently started eating more fruit. I loved it as a kid but then grew out of it and I amstarting to see it was not as bad as I thought it was... I like apples oranges love grapes and pineapple but still not a fan of strawberry or kiwi and things like that

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mmmm pineapple. I'm running to the store! lol




Another thing I do dont know how good it is for you some other may be able to chime in on that but as a snack I love just a spoon full of crunchy peanut butter. I know it has a lot of preotein but I dont know if there are other things in it that are not good for you so to speak but I dont eat a lot of it and it seems to do a good job as far as snacks go

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peanut butter is good for you, if its the all natural.


has good fats in it.. fats you need.


that is good to here then. I just eat it because I hate seafood wich also ahs a lot opf protein in it and I thought some extra protein from the foods I normally eat would not be a bad thing for me..


Side note anyone know of things beside milk that have a good amount of calcium in them??? not pills but other food cause I know I dont get enough of that and havent for years because I have not had straight milk in probably 5 years or so

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Also working on loosing weight myself, lost about 15 lbs since starting at Nationwide. Stopped eating garbage, and I drink a lot of water. I also stopped drinking pop, even though I only really drank diet anyway.


The elliptical I was using the last time I hardcore lost weight broke a long time ago, so I am shopping for a new one. I use an elliptical because I am flat footed, and running is teh sux0r when you're flat footed.


This thread has got me thinking about a lot of stuff too.

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mmmm pineapple. I'm running to the store! lol


If you eat it very often, get some fresh stuff and get one of these!




You just push it in, spin it and pull it out... lol. Perfect cored pineapple every time and it seems like you get more of the good stuff than if you try to cut it with a knife.

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peanut butter is good for you, if its the all natural.


This. There's no reason to get 'peanut butter' with garbage in it, NONE. Ground up peanuts taste better and don't have don't have shit like ryboflavin hydraxa multipolycarbonate #25 in it.

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If you eat it very often, get some fresh stuff and get one of these!




You just push it in, spin it and pull it out... lol. Perfect cored pineapple every time and it seems like you get more of the good stuff than if you try to cut it with a knife.


ill have to look into these. How much are they? I would love to have fresh stuff than canned.

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