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Screw you AutoForums!


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So on Monday I loaded up the Pontiac Solstice web forum (which is owned by AutoForum's) and immediately I noticed it was loading slow. Then I start getting pop up's about a virus trying to infiltrate my computer, and I needed to download anti-virus software. Obviously, I knew these pop-ups were the virus. Somehow it disabled Norton, loaded itself on my computer, changed files in my registry, and started wreaking havoc.


Long and the short of it is AutoForum's uploaded some new banner ad's and one of them was a virus. Don't they scan this crap before upload it?!


Now I'm working on getting everything backed up so I can format my HD. Is there any way to protect against this? This virus loads through flash code, so any thing in a flash player, animated banner ad, etc. could have it.

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Update adobe flash player right the frack now. The vulnerability you are referring to is a flaw in the adobe flash player. This affects any OS that uses the player. I suggest using firefox with adblock and noscript as explained above. It is kind of hard to stop the advertisements since they auto play as soon as you load the webpage.


You could uninstall flash player and not have this problem....?

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No one wants your shitty Snow Leopard, which is also vunerable to viruses as well.


Only thing Snow Leopard is good for is Boot Camp, so you can put a decent OS on the overpriced machine.

Apple's revenue begs to differ. You couldn't be more wrong in that statement. I know every time I walk in an apple store I have to say excuse me to 100 people because the place is packed and I am trying to walk around in the store.

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Apple's PC revenue is miniscule.


They make all their money, and hence their stock valuation, on their gadgets.


And weve had several developer Macs get infected (we use them to develop for our linnux and unix clients, if ubuntu was any better I'd chuck the lot of them).

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Apple's revenue begs to differ. You couldn't be more wrong in that statement. I know every time I walk in an apple store I have to say excuse me to 100 people because the place is packed and I am trying to walk around in the store.


Maybe that's because there's only 2 apple stores in columbus, whereas verizon, sprint or t-mobile have one in every single shopping center in the area.

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