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about murderd my neighbor


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Last nite I had my dog outside while I was cleaning my car out. 1st off my dog is well trained, he obeys commands very well, but his one weakness is anything on 2 wheels. I cannot get him to stop chasing bikes or motor cycles. I usually don't leash my dog unless we are going on a long walk but he was sitting in my car when some fucking dick rode by and my dog hopped out and began to chase. Mind u I own a killer cocker spaniel. He's a big threath, so I start telling the guy stop riding so I can get my dog. He slows down then takes off. I contiue to say sir stop riding he won't stop chasing ur bike, this mother fucking queer says fuck you ******..... at this point I am in full sprint after my dog cuz he was going to a main rd where 3 cars were coming and all I could imagine is my dumb ass dog getting hit. My fellow neighbors try to tell this guy to stop as I finally got my mut. I swear if anything would have happened to my dog I would have killed the guy and would not give 2 shits. All he had to do was stop his god damd bicycle. If I see him riding I will get in my car follow him and knock him off his bike and beat the shit out of him.
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Probably a good idea to put the dog on a leash for its own good.



Deffintly agree and it sucks cuz he does a great job of walking on my inside at all times and obeying commands but he doesn't do 2 wheel objects at all.

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You should only be mad at yourself. I too would give you a big fuck you if you tried telling me to stop riding my bike because you didnt have enough sense to keep your dog on a leash knowing its weakness for 2 wheeled things...


My dog does not come off of a leash until shes back inside.

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I've never heard of cocker spaniels biting. That was the main reason we got him with my sisters babies he has been amazing with them and has never snapped bitton or even shown teeth



IMHO cockers are one of the worst dogs for biting people. Some of them will go into "rage" and will not stop attacking until you nearly knock them out cold. As your dog ages he will start to show.I know this because I am former cocker owner myself. We put our dog down because of this.



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Ive got scars on the back of my foot from a cocker spaniel biting me while I was riding my bike when I was young. Must be some kind of two wheel hatred built into the breed, maybe they are jealous that they cannot ride bicycles?
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It's not your neighbors fault, it's yours.


Hate to say it but it's true. I understand your anger/frustration, but as a dog owner, I never let my dogs off leash. I don't care how obedient they are. I'm an excellent driver, but I would never put my kids in the car without a car seat and I won't ever drive without my seat belt fastened.

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So let me understand this...you said you would have killed the guy on the bike if something happened to your dog and wouldn't have cared because your dog was chasing him and he wouldn't stop? That's seriously the dumbest shit I've ever heard. As a fairly avid road rider, when a dog chases me, seemingly harmless or not, I don't stop and I never will even if some asshole owner is yelling at me to. Your anger seems a bit misguided here. Perhaps, knowing that your dog chases people on bikes, put him a long lease so he can't leave the yard.


Oh and btw, if you ever do decide to chase and "knock him off his bike" with your car, that's considered assault with a deadly weapon, have fun getting raped while serving a few years in prison you shit stain.

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You not controlling your dog is the only one that has any blame in this situation.


You also have no idea what some people who ride often have to deal with. It's because of people like you that this guy is so defensive. People like you for some reason see people on bikes as something less than them. Your bragging on here about your NCAA championship in your sig leads me to think you have some hidden self worth issues that lead you to be to be egotistical and think you are better than others. People like you that would use your car as a weapon to try to run someone on a bike down are why this guy said fuck you.


Time to go ride. Oh, no one cares that you won the NCAA championship in anything.

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I've never heard of cocker spaniels biting. That was the main reason we got him with my sisters babies he has been amazing with them and has never snapped bitton or even shown teeth


i remember hearing that more people go to the hospital for cocker spaniel bites in a year than pit bulls. obviously, something like a pitbull bite would be more severe, but for sheer, numbers, cocker spaniel > pitbull


but heres soemthing i posted a couple years ago. im too lazy to type it out again


not me, but my g/fs mom did...long story short...


went to g/fs grandparents for lunch/dinner, converse with the family for a bit. start talking about their new cocker spaniel that has bitten me twice in the ~4-6 weeks theyve had it. her dad said something about it never biting her mom, and i say (sarcastically) "yet". well, we get home, about an hour later, her dad calls, dog bit her mom, going to the hospital. about 1030, get a call, shes got 30 stiches on the top of her arm, and the bottom, when docs were looking to see if he tore any tendons, they could see straight thru her arm


dog has been put to sleep, mom can barely move her fingers, and is in quite a bit of pain


this dog literally chomped down on her arm. he was laying on her lap on the couch, she moved to get up, and he snapped. she stood straight up and the dog was hanging from her arm, all 4 paws in the air.


to this day she still has pain in her arm, and a couple nasty scars as reminders

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I've never heard of cocker spaniels biting. That was the main reason we got him with my sisters babies he has been amazing with them and has never snapped bitton or even shown teeth








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I've never heard of cocker spaniels biting. That was the main reason we got him with my sisters babies he has been amazing with them and has never snapped bitton or even shown teeth


Cocker's have the highest bite rate of any breed. I haven't read a real current study as of late, but that's the results of the last one. I've known many people with cocker's and almost everyone of them has had problems at some point. That's not to say the breed is worthless or anything of the sort or that yours is a problem. Just throwing out some info. And even a small dog can cause a wound that needs stitches. And if that happens, it'll be you and especially the dog that pays. Personally, I would've stopped. But I'm VERY comfortable around all animals. Most people aren't.

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Guest tbutera2112
i agree it shoulda been on a leash, but the dude on the bike shoulda just stopped...its a fucking cocker spaniel...if it looks like its gonna bite you, just fucking punt the thing
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You not controlling your dog is the only one that has any blame in this situation.


You also have no idea what some people who ride often have to deal with. It's because of people like you that this guy is so defensive. People like you for some reason see people on bikes as something less than them. Your bragging on here about your NCAA championship in your sig leads me to think you have some hidden self worth issues that lead you to be to be egotistical and think you are better than others. People like you that would use your car as a weapon to try to run someone on a bike down are why this guy said fuck you.


Time to go ride. Oh, no one cares that you won the NCAA championship in anything.



1st off have you ever met me? No so fuck you, because I put in my sig what I've accomplished I'm egotistical? No your sadly wrong and your assumptions lead me to believe that you wrongly judge a lot of people. I can see that yes having no leash on my dog was wrong but you missed where he slowed down to let the dog catch up and then sped up and said fuck you n!gg3r. At this point all bets are off and this was just a racist ass hole trying to take his hate out on me by leading my killer into traffic. And its wasn't a motorcycle it was a bike.

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Let me get this straight:


1. You knowingly put your dog's and you neighbor's well being in danger because you won't put him on a leash, even though you know he will chase bikes?


2. You then threaten his life if the dog is injured while causing an accident by chasing down a bike on a public street?


3. You threaten assault with a deadly weopon, possibly vehicular homicide, possibly pre-meditated murder, if you see him riding his bike again?


You sir are possibly the most illogical, mis-guided, and quite frankly the most idiotic person I have never known.

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As many people here tell other people how to go die etc you guys actually took everything Phil typed at face value... wow!!!! The calling him an idiot for having his dog off the leash I see.... The rest just looks like another reason for some keyboard lames to get to act high and mighty along with their morning cup of coffee.


I'm still lol-ing at the fact that people think he would actually get in his car, hit a guy with it, park it, then get out and beat him up.

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Let me get this straight:


1. You knowingly put your dog's and you neighbor's well being in danger because you won't put him on a leash, even though you know he will chase bikes?


2. You then threaten his life if the dog is injured while causing an accident by chasing down a bike on a public street?


3. You threaten assault with a deadly weopon, possibly vehicular homicide, possibly pre-meditated murder, if you see him riding his bike again?


You sir are possibly the most illogical, mis-guided, and quite frankly the most idiotic person I have never known.



In all reality I'm not going to hit anyone with my car, it was jus me being pissed and posting. And ur rite I must be miss guided, seeing as I am about to graduate from college, have no record, I am the best at what I do, and have a good job. Yupp sounds mis guided all right. You must have not missed my previous post or read it all the way. The guy slowed down to let the dog catch him and then sped up while yelling racial slurs. My neighbors were even there to witness this. It was a fucked up situation. I was wrong but he escaladed the situation to a whole new level. And you don't kno me, you've never met me, so clearly I'm not the most mis guided person you know. Cause you don't kno me

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