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Keep IPSevoeric in your Prayers.


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Sorry if that came out rude. But its just somehing that everyone knows the truth of what CAN happen. No it is not the time or place to post it...but life is full of possibilities.


Once again, I hope they caught it early and really will pray for you.

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Speechless :(


Don't know you personally man, other than talking with you at the shop once or twice, but you have my prayers and best wishes. Cancer is like a member of my family. Stay strong and never give up the fight. My brother will always be my hero for doing so and my mother at age 79 just went through her fight and has been in the clear for two follow ups.

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I didn't post this yesterday because I wasn't sure if they were keeping this private or not. Eric was diagnosed with colon cancer yesterday. I am not sure of all the background details, but I guess he has been sick for a while, and has been in the hospital for the last week at least maybe two.


I just found out he was sick this last week. I am still not clear on how severe his situation is, but his wife Sarah called me this morning. His lymph nodes, bladder etc are clear, but it has moved into his liver.


Even if you are not a religious person Sarah and Eric are. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.


If you haven't met Eric, he is the type of person who is giving almost to a fault. He is the kind of person that would do anything for you without asking for anything in return. Truly a rare type of person in today's world.


If you read this Eric, get well buddy. I am sick of your excuses as to why you won't race me in that Evo of yours :)


Once I beat cancer and finish the tune your bike is going down :bangbang:


Thank You to everyone for all of your support!

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my company is really pushing Pelatonia (sp?) and I heard some crazy numbers like littereally HALF of all men and 1 out of 3 women will die of cancer... it is estimated to becoming the worlds highest killer in 2011.... that is scarey shit... we gotta get this disease cured!
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