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best way to get over someone?


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I'm 3:27 into this video... I am laughing my ass off!!!


It's brilliant, a little long but 100% worth watching. I have always loved that video. The last time a woman got the best of me I watched that, laughed and moved on.


I was going to post "farm sluts" as an alternative but I can't seem to find it. It's not quite what it sounds like but it stars a guy who I believe was/is an SNL star and was produced by Fox Video. Long story short the guy keeps trying to kill himself and fails each time.

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you said they work together. call his boss, make lies, ruin lives, profit?


or bang random bitches without rubbers, you will lose tons of weight from all the stress of possible std's or even worse a unplanned pregnancy!




it would be calling coporate. he just got promoted to store manager 2 weeks ago. i would love to see him fired. would be funny if a bunch of you guys called in throughout the next couple weeks and complained about him, and said he was ignoring you and was flirting with one of the cashiers haha. that would make my day

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I really have a hard time suggesting doing anything to "the other guy", he's just doing what 99% of single guys (or not single for that matter) would do. I know emotions can make you angry at the other guy, but the anger should be at the girl.


Hobby for sure to pass help time, some strange if you can pull it, and hangout with friends.

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Don't want to explain just need ideas that worked for you. She cheated and lied with the same guy a couple times. Didn't know this and I'm all heated. I'm not the fighting type I just want to get past it all. I'm driving around currently.


Whats her number I'll talk to her.


Seek help if its that bad. Not on cr. I hear Dr John Tilley is giving Great rates right now.

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I really have a hard time suggesting doing anything to "the other guy", he's just doing what 99% of single guys (or not single for that matter) would do. I know emotions can make you angry at the other guy, but the anger should be at the girl.


I'm going to be honest here, and say you set yourself up for this. If she did it once, she will do it again, whatever her reason its very likely somewhere in her mind she thinks she can pull this one on you and you'll let her back in with some tail and an apology. Don't waste anymore time investing.


Hobby for sure to pass help time, some strange if you can pull it, and hangout with friends.


i thought it was 2 different girls.


to the op. if it helps, you probably just avoided contracting an std

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in a year do what i did send her a Christmas card and say wish we could still talk and include a high dollar gift card to a nice restaurant but don't actually put any money on it, most people don't check the balance then when they go to use it, and she is stuck with a nice bill. Sends one final fuck you message lol


oh and the best way to get over someone is to get under someone new ;) tested many times lol

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Don't want to explain just need ideas that worked for you. She cheated and lied with the same guy a couple times. Didn't know this and I'm all heated. I'm not the fighting type I just want to get past it all. I'm driving around currently.


I dont have the time to read everyone else's post's (as im sure they are very helpful and informative...this is cr afterall). But i'll try and answer this as honest as i can. In the past ive always done something constructive, like hit the gym and or played some sort of sports. My biggest breakup i didnt react well, i just ate like shit and got drunk all the time which made me feel sorry for myself, thats the absolute worst thing you could do and is completely self destructive.


I dont know about you but driving just makes me think even more and would probably just drive me crazy, pardon the pun. I use to believe in the motto 'the easiest way to get over someone is to get under someone else' but this doesnt always work if the relationship was very serious. Whatever you do, dont take her back.... in fact dont talk to her ever again. Any woman that would do that to you clearly doesnt respect you as a man and therefore doesnt deserve the respect of speaking to her. Fuck that bitch. There have been plenty of guys in the same exact position you are in now (myself being one of them) you feel like shit now and want to throw a pity party but dont. Be better than that cunt and move on with your life.

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Hotcarls says it best.

F her. Move along and think nothing of it. Youll find that the older you get, the shadier some woman (and men for the ladies) get as well. If youre the BETTER of the two people youll break contact and just man up and move along. Put the feeling to the side and be the adult about things and ignore her. I think weve all had those types of relationships for sure. Just dont do anything stupid like show up at her work and cause a scene, or drop by thinking he'll be there. The last thing you want to do is put him OR her in the position of having to defend themselves.

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In regards to her, act like you could care less. Seriously man, you're 20. Who gives a shit. The only time anything like this matters is when you pay it attention. Even if you know the guy, he's just another dude with a dick trying to get some, no different than anyone else. I chalk that shit up to guys-law. Girls want action too.....will likely happen again. You've got years to connect with the right one.
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some good points from John and Ryan, but I will still say friends and another pussy (or mouth) to put your dick in is the only thing that will make getting over this bareable. Just rememeber to lose her number.


I still think you should fuck that dude's mom... He's a tool, if they work together, odds are he had to know she was involved with someone so he's just as guilty... anyone that says, he's not just as responsible is stupid... part of being a man, is manning up and not sticking your dick in someone else's koolaide.

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