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Got into a bad accident last night...


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So I went out do cruise and some logs for a little bit last night as it was beautiful out and what do you know, some lady runs a red light, t-bones me at like 50mph, and totals my car and I was in the emergency room until 5am this morning. I am sore, stiff, and my car is effing totaled. I easily had one of the top ten cleanest 1G's in Columbus...not anymore. To top it all off, blue book on my care in excellent condition is only $1700...I paid $2800 for my car and probably have $3500 in parts/mods. I am going to have to take parts off or just buy it back for cheap as I can't let all those parts and jdm motor go for $1700. What a crappy night. Yeah that big sign on the ground that was planted in the concrete with two steel poles...my care knocked it over.
















Tim, can you do anything with these pics? j/k

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god damnit...i was just looking at the pics you posted too. is this over by the airport?


and o/t...if her insurance (or any insurance) offers blue book, can you turn them down and tell them you want more to buy another car or for them to fix it even if it will cost more than what its worth?

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If she was cited/found at fault you can go after her/her insurance company for more in damages. Hopefully you have receipts for some of the parts, and the car just tell them to search for similar cars in similar condition/miles and they should see that the car is worth a premium over book value. You might have to do some legwork yourself/fight the company for more money but I and many others have been in your exact shoes before, so it can be done.


Glad you weren't hurt, sorry to see the car damaged so bad. Good luck getting your money.

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Damn that SUCKS, glad your ok! i almost pm`d you yesterday to see what you would take for the car.


Wouldn't have been for sale. I have invested so much time working on it and ding things they way I wanted them done I couldn't sell it for what anybody would offer me. Cost of car and all parts I probably have about $5000. I wouldn't sell it for anywhere near that because a lot of the parts I sat and was patient for and waited for good deals on. Full retail on all the parts puts that thing closer to $8K or so. That's why this situation hurts so much. I don't know where I am going to be able to find a 1Ga this clean for the price range I will need it in...ahhh...we will see what happens.



On another note, is anyone on here a lawyer that thinks I can get "taken care of" in this situation? I am not trying to take advantage of anyone but I do NOT want to get screwed here...

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Holy shit man. I was drooling over that car when I first saw it in the Pics & Vids section. I know what it's like to lose something you put loads of money, sweat, blood into. Fucking sucks. As said before, cars are replaceable. Human life is not.


This could have turned out much worse, just glad to see you came out relatively unscathed man. I just came back from a funeral a couple days ago where a very good friend was killed in an auto accident. You're fortunate brutha.

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Sorry to hear man!


So did the cage help you? Because I read in a Import Tuner that having a cage will fuck you up more in a accident like this. Because the car has crumple zones to absorb the force of the impact. Don't know if you have been in a accident before to compare, but do you think it did/didn't help?

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Suffocate: I understand I am very blessed...in more ways than one. Not only are my injuries relatively minor thus far but I had asked my wife if she wanted to join me on the cruise and she had thought about it then declined due to it being late. She most likely would have been killed had she been there so I am very thankful she was not with me. My condolences for your friend.


Rhett: I didn't have a cage in the car so I have no way to make the comparison.

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I gotta ask...you're in the hospital w/ a brace on your neck...but you had a camera and felt like taking pictures plus went home to take pictures of your car in the garage? lol or did someone else take them for you?
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I was laying in the hospital with a brace on my neck staring up at the ceiling for 5hrs so I decided to try to make the best of the crappy situation and take a pic of myself.


The pics in my garage are from today. I can walk, I just have trouble standing up completely straight without tension on my back/.neck and I can't turn my head a whole lot without tension/straining.


Off topic, I saw your '85 RX7 the other day...very nice.

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Dam that sucks, glad your Ok. That Talon was pretty clean. I would recomend Miahael Gertner my family has been using him for a couple years now, he is very good. Was that by the airport, i was comming home last night and seen cop lights but i thought someone was just pulled over. But i will say thats a Glorious Beard you got goin on tho.
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On another note, is anyone on here a lawyer that thinks I can get "taken care of" in this situation? I am not trying to take advantage of anyone but I do NOT want to get screwed here...


Call Jason Blum (Bloom)

(614) 445-8416

52 W Whittier St

Columbus, OH


He is good friends with my wife. They worked together for years at the prosecutors office. Just tell him you know Tim & Tamie. He's helped a handful of folks here on CR too. Very good, very reasonable and a straight shooter.


Glad you're okay man. I'll see what I can do with those pics :)

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