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The Motorcycle Wave


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Dont worry fellow OR members. Since this tragic event happen that sad day in july of 2004, Nick has since gone through anger management. He no longer slaps his ass in people's face. He has been able to tone it down to a simple flip of the bird! :D

I'm an expressive/amiable person according to my works social styles class we all had to take. It hit me on the nose. I let things build up and then explode. I've gotten better as I get older though. :o

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I HATE waving, but I always end up doing it. I hate that it was even started. I don't know the fella. In 2004 I waved at this harley guy once and he didn't wave back so I turned around, got next to him and honked my horn and waved again. He didn't do ANYTHING! As I was letting my anger out, I pulled in front of him at 70mph and stood up on my pegs and began slapping my ass in his face. Flipped him off and hit my next exit. :nono: It's mainly cruisers that never wave back to me, but I still always wave back. If I get 2 no waves, then I don't wave for the rest of the day unless the other rider waves first.

It's a big fucking mess. I say we all stop the shit and just ride.

yah thats what im saying..its stooopid

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I wave to everyone on two wheels

...well except scooters

Ha ha I don't wave at scooters either. I don't know why really, I just don't.

Everyone else gets a wave, but with Harleys I hesitate to see if they'll wave first. I guess I could trade my waves in that I would give to those few Harley riders and apply them to the scooter riders. I should really only share waves with those who will actually wave back.

Oh and my pet peeve is when somebody waves from the other side of an interstate highway, particularly those divided by huge medians. I appreciate the effort, but seriously, why bother in that scenario??

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Oh and my pet peeve is when somebody waves from the other side of an interstate highway, particularly those divided by huge medians. I appreciate the effort, but seriously, why bother in that scenario??


What is the deal with the riders that do that? :lol:

I'm always like...."are you for real guy? Are you that desperate for me to see you?" :lol:

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Hey it's always good to agree to disagree.;) It's stupid that you and I argued over a disagreement. I apologize for that time. I didn't respect your opinion, but I should have. I'm sorry for that. I just got mad because you didn't see things my way. Hopefully it's all good now. You'll agree with me at times and me agree with you sometimes, but also vice versa. :cool:

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Hey it's always good to agree to disagree.;) It's stupid that you and I argued over a disagreement. I apologize for that time. I didn't respect your opinion, but I should have. I'm sorry for that. I just got mad because you didn't see things my way. Hopefully it's all good now. You'll agree with me at times and me agree with you sometimes, but also vice versa. :cool:

Very big of you and yeah we were both stupidly stubborn about our opinions. Yeah we're cool. :)

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Wow, I don't have the problem with Harley guys that you do. Maybe it's that they wave before they can see its a Honda cruiser. :) I've had hardcore bikers wave at me, and newbs that are wondering why the fuck I'm waving. More often than not its the sport bike guys that don't wave back to me.

I wave at nearly everyone unless I'm on a divided highway, just forget or obviously, maneuvering and need both hands. I watched one guy try to wave at me while turning and nearly wipe out. Dumbass.

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I love waving :) I do get offended if the other biker doesn't wave. The silly thing is if I am in the car... I sometimes catch myself almost waving because I am used to it haha! Don't you deny it LP...you did it too! It just shows that you support the two wheel experience!

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I used to wave all the time. Until I noticed most people don't even acknowledge me so I tend to do the helmet nod. If I do wave and there is no response they get the hello birdie! fuckyou-1.gif

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I get tired of waving sometimes... it's like... did I come out here to do this? Or something else?... like ride. I'll wave in a corner, even wave in a lean. But that's only because I've learned how to steer with one hand (or no hands). Waving on right hand turns is actually fun, isn't it? Just don't lose your line, or take eyes off the road. Please note that youse uberbikes might need pucks on your fingers for waving on left-hand turns.

For some reason, I have to give certain riders a left hand salute, military style. It can't be proper right-handed salute, the right hand is busy. Only Veterans need to be doing that. Maybe I want a new trend. Maybe I'm tired of waving (see above).

And those mean evil maxed out Harley dudes that don't wave back? It gets really stressful trying to guess before hand whether it's one that will ignore you. You can always change the V flash to the finger when they snub you. Good luck with that.

(side note: the Harley dude in the laundrymat, the one that's been working on getting his scoot going for a decade or two, won't talk to me anymore after I let slip I sometimes ride with cops and sheriffs. Bet he won't wave either. So sorry...)

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I really don't have a problem with it. Doesn't really bother me when I get snubbed either. I randomly will run across someone that won't wave. Usually I can tell the old guy with his beard blowing in the wind isn't going to wave back at me. No big deal, I throw it out there anyway.

Usually riding in a group of sportbikes, they all get snubbed, but I get a wave. I often see a couple of fingers after that.

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i might start giving me people the shocker sign this year

Shocker= old Find something funnier.

Bottom line is if I dont know you dont wave to me. Dont waste your time and dont get mad when I dont wave back.

The motorcyle wave is a northern thing. It doesnt happen in the south. There are to many bikes to worry about waving to all of them.

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