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What to do with one hand?


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I'm bored out of my mind, and to those who don't know my right hand is in a cast. I'm also right handed which doesn't help matters. I didn't make this thread to bitch, I need suggestions of what to do. I'm normally a pretty active person who likes to find stuff to do, and sitting here watching TV is killing me.




I can hardly hold a magazine to read right now, and typing left handed is getting old, somebody help me.:(

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lol, i feel your pain, i've been stuck in the house/on the couch since Monday morning, and I'm going crazy. Watched a TON of movies, tried to nap/sleep some cuz i usually only sleep 4-5hrs a night, and just been killing the internet, sucks balls.
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Turn your cast into a weapon of destruction. Add some parts to it. Paint it up. Make it look the part.


Paint it to look like a giant wiener.


Camo it and tell people you lost it in 'the war'. 1812 - Cam Rahn Bay. ;)


Dress it up like a baby or puppy. Hold it close to you and walk thru park near women. Attract attention.


Stand outside and wait for the first kid out of school to ride down your block on their bike. Clothesline them.


Duct tape pen to cast. Now, you can write.


Wrap towel around cast. Apply for a job training attack dogs.


Those are just off the top of my head. C'mon man! :D

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Turn your cast into a weapon of destruction. Add some parts to it. Paint it up. Make it look the part.


Paint it to look like a giant wiener.


Camo it and tell people you lost it in 'the war'. 1812 - Cam Rahn Bay. ;)


Dress it up like a baby or puppy. Hold it close to you and walk thru park near women. Attract attention.


Stand outside and wait for the first kid out of school to ride down your block on their bike. Clothesline them.


Duct tape pen to cast. Now, you can write.


Wrap towel around cast. Apply for a job training attack dogs.


Those are just off the top of my head. C'mon man! :D


:lol: You = my hero

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Turn your cast into a weapon of destruction. Add some parts to it. Paint it up. Make it look the part.


Paint it to look like a giant wiener.


Camo it and tell people you lost it in 'the war'. 1812 - Cam Rahn Bay. ;)


Dress it up like a baby or puppy. Hold it close to you and walk thru park near women. Attract attention.


Stand outside and wait for the first kid out of school to ride down your block on their bike. Clothesline them.


Duct tape pen to cast. Now, you can write.


Wrap towel around cast. Apply for a job training attack dogs.


Those are just off the top of my head. C'mon man! :D


LOL those are great

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