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Fire Dept Lets House Burn...


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^^^ It's NOT insurance! Its a service fee from the neighboring towns Fire Dept. So if no one paid that fee you mean to tell me that the town wouldn't have a fire dept?


Correct. If no one paid the fee, they would not have fire service at all in the rural area. (if that neighbor hadn't paid, the FD wouldn't have showed up at all.)

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Yes that's what I mean to tell you. If no one paid you to do your job would you do it? If no one paid your boss would he buy the equipment and pay you to do your job? It is not a free service. In that county they do not pay taxes for those services. Call it a tax or call it a $75 service fee it is the same thing. Here we pay taxes and the fire department gets their cut and comes and saves our house. Their they pay a service fee and the fire department comes and saves them. If anything they have it better. They have the option to make the gamble and not pay. Here if you don't pay your taxes they just take your house even if you don't need their service.


I guess that's where I'm getting confused you see. According to the the article I posted the fire dept is from a neighboring town. A town in which I amused paid the taxes to have the fire dept to begin with. So I'm under the impression that they were getting paid regardless. Okay, even if it IS with the neighboring towns tax money. my point is either way they showed up, so why show up (spend the money) just to watch? I know the neighbor paid and that's why they showed, but at that point they were already there. And the man admits to not having paid that year but paying in the past (who knows if that's true or not). The man wasn't trying to abuse the system. Which is why the fee is there to begin with. It's not like he was asking them to get his cat down from a tree or put out an out of control bon fire. He was asking Fire Fighter that were already there to save his home.





:D I'm actually enjoying this debate. Hope no one takes anything I'm say personal ;)

Edited by super_gtp
Fuck you!
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my point is either way they showed up, so why show up (spend the money) just to watch? I know the neighbor paid and that's why they showed, but at that point they were already there.


Your point is flawed. Also, they weren't "already there". They didn't come until the neighbor called due to flames endangering HIS house, meaning at that point the non-paying customers house was already engulfed. They didn't come out initially just to watch.


And the man admits to not having paid that year but paying in the past (who knows if that's true or not). The man wasn't trying to abuse the system.


Yes he was. He refused to pay the fee with the thoughts of, "What are the odds my house will catch fire? It never has before!" and when it did he wanted the services. Trying to abuse the system is EXACTLY what he was trying to do.


He was asking Fire Fighter that were already there to save his home.


Again, they weren't "already there". They came to save the house of someone who was obedient and paid his dues.



:D I'm actually enjoying this debate. Hope no one takes anything I'm say personal ;)


Not much of a debate when the ground you're standing on is littered with holes. :) Same here though.

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"They did, however, come out when Cranick's neighbor -- who'd already paid the fee -- called 911 because he worried that the fire might spread to his property. Once they arrived, members of the South Fulton department stood by and watched Cranick's home burn; they sprang into action only when the fire reached the neighbor's property."




Sounds like there was plenty of time to save the house.

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This country have lost its damn mind!! For those of you that think this is justifiable, I hope your house go up in flame tomorrow.


For God's sake, there are Firefighters in front of the house. You're #ucking Firefighters. Your job is to put out fires. Do your #ucking job! #uck, do it even if you'll lose your job tomorrow. WTF, where're the hearts? Do you remember why you want to be a Firefighter?.......


Damn, I'm so angry

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"They did, however, come out when Cranick's neighbor -- who'd already paid the fee -- called 911 because he worried that the fire might spread to his property. Once they arrived, members of the South Fulton department stood by and watched Cranick's home burn; they sprang into action only when the fire reached the neighbor's property."




Sounds like there was plenty of time to save the house.


NOW you read the article? lol


The point is still that the guy refused to pay for services then expected said services when he needed them.


This country have lost its damn mind!! For those of you that think this is justifiable, I hope your house go up in flame tomorrow.


For God's sake, there are Firefighters in front of the house. You're #ucking Firefighters. Your job is to put out fires. Do your #ucking job! #uck, do it even if you'll lose your job tomorrow. WTF, where're the hearts? Do you remember why you want to be a Firefighter?.......


Damn, I'm so angry


Let me drive your car without insurance and total it. Am I responsible or should I call any insurance company after the fact and ask them to pay you for the damages then tell you to call them and take it up with them?


What about declining life insurance then when I die expecting my companies insurance to pay restitution to my wife?


EDIT: PS ~ Even though I don't agree with you I still don't wish that your house would burn down. If it does catch fire though I hope you have paid taxes so that the fire department can rightfully extinguish the flames and attempt to save your home.


Services are not free.

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I'll post the same thing here I post on Ohio Riders:


Yeah, I really don't see anything wrong here. They chose not to pay the fee to have fire protection. If I don't pay my electric bill and it gets turned off, I'm not going to be whining and crying about it. Pay your bills and you won't have a problem. It's $75/yr. I bet they pay more than that per month for car insurance, cell phone, etc. Now they're going to bitch and whine about not getting a service they didn't pay for. Come on, seriously?
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This country have lost its damn mind!! For those of you that think this is justifiable, I hope your house go up in flame tomorrow.


For God's sake, there are Firefighters in front of the house. You're #ucking Firefighters. Your job is to put out fires. Do your #ucking job! #uck, do it even if you'll lose your job tomorrow. WTF, where're the hearts? Do you remember why you want to be a Firefighter?.......


Damn, I'm so angry


Actually...... maybe you should read some history books......


Fire departments always used to be private. They watch houses burn more often than putting them out due to non-payment. It's the same as any other service. It isn't your right to fire protection. Just like any other service, if you want it pay your bill.

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It's $75/yr. I bet they pay more than that per month for car insurance, cell phone, etc. Now they're going to bitch and whine about not getting a service they didn't pay for. Come on, seriously?


Herein lies the problem with most people in todays world. People on welfare driver H2's and using iPhones? Gimme a break.


This guy (not that HE'S on welfare) didn't want to pay a measely $75/YEAR to have his things POTENTIALLY saved but I'd bet my paycheck that he has 1 or more cell phones in his household costing him more than that per MONTH! Not to mention big TV's, expensive cars, and other luxuries.


Priorities. He has none.

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From what i read on another forum, this is not the first time this guy has done this, though. ("forgot" to pay) and last time they let him pay on the spot, second time is a No go.



Yes he was. He refused to pay the fee with the thoughts of, "What are the odds my house will catch fire? It never has before!" and when it did he wanted the services. Trying to abuse the system is EXACTLY what he was trying to do.



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From what i read on another forum, this is not the first time this guy has done this, though. ("forgot" to pay) and last time they let him pay on the spot, second time is a No go.




"My my, how the turntables have...." ~ Michael Scott

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From what i read on another forum, this is not the first time this guy has done this, though. ("forgot" to pay) and last time they let him pay on the spot, second time is a No go.


Well if that's the case then he's trying to work the system and while I still don't agree that they should have let his house burn, it defiantly makes a more since from the fire dept. point of view.

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not reading the whole thread but




not just the fee but all their expenses


So you take him at his word? Do you realize what that service would cost? Think how much it costs to fill a swimming pool. You have now probably got the tanker 1/4 of the way full if you have a big pool. Then add in all the responders salaries and the cost of wear and tear on equipment, the cost of getting the equipment there, the overhead of a building to store the equipment in and the insurance on said equipment, building and responders. The cost would be huge. Not to mention how do you write a bill for this? It is not like the fire department is used to working on a per call basis for pay. After you figure all of this out do you then take his word and a handshake? That's real binding. How about a written legal contract? Well that was signed under duress so that goes out the window. If he can't/won't pay a $75/yr fee there is no way he would pay the full cost for them to put the fire out. Especially once he saw what was left. Just cause they put the fire out doesn't mean there is anything left. I have responded to many total loss structure fires. Especially when you are driving from a town away.

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Running those trucks and paying for all that equipment takes real money and a lot of it. This is 110% the home owners fault that the firefighters hands were tied; he tied them.


30 years ago, that home had no department that could even respond to it. Then, he was given a choice, $75 fees, and you're covered.



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I wish I could live where I could pay for these services like this, makes your .gov and social services a lot more accountable. Also makes the people of the community accountable and probably appreciative of what they are getting instead of just taking x amount of dollars out of someones pay every year and not knowing where it goes.
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This type of protection is nothing new, paying a fee for fire service has been around for well over a 100 yrs, people would pay a designated fee and have a ceramic/metal/wood plate or placard outside of the home to show they have paid the fee. It's a practice thats still in use all over the country.


It is a fee and it's the law, and has to be paid. Right or wrong it's the law. If life safety was in jeporady then i'm sure the dept would have acted. They responded and acted to the neighbors needs cause he had paid his fee.

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If the department receives additional funding through state or federal means, then I think it's BS.

Also the town without the fire department should tax as if they did, and then pay the neighboring towns fire fee as a whole. Problem solved.

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If the department receives additional funding through state or federal means, then I think it's BS.

Also the town without the fire department should tax as if they did, and then pay the neighboring towns fire fee as a whole. Problem solved.


You should run for Mayor of that town.

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