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What the hell is this?


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Its the real life Ali G.


After reading more about this "Rap Group", it's very much like Ali G, in that it's all an act. Still fucking mind-numbing though. First vuvuzelas and now this.



Fuck you South Africa, fuck you in the ear.

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Alright so I read up a bit regarding the part with the subtitles ("I don't want to go to the bush with you", "I'm not a gay", "I don't want to be a man").


It's a ritual in South Africa (it was banned but not enforced enough) where they have you circumcised as an initiation to become a man, yet it's not a sterile way at all. They basically take a boy to the bush and circumcise him with what normally ends up being dirty, blunt knives by inexperienced "surgeons", which leads to a lot of disease and has lead to kids losing their dick altogether or even death in quite a few cases.


If a boy doesn't go through with the initiation he gets tormented and harassed relentlessly.


Still, a lot of dicks going on.

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